In Warm Springs, the Indian head Casino is bringing back its car show after having to put it on hold due to the pandemic. The 6th Annual car show by the Casino will be held this Saturday June 18th from 10am-3pm. They will have several different categories which include imports, muscle cars, trucks and much more. The event is set for all ages and will have a DJ and a covered food court. The casino is still currently closed on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s but finding ways to get events back in to place after the effects COVID-19 had on businesses and communities. If you’d like to learn more about the car show or get pre-registered, you can call Monte & Karen Strand at 503-789-8973. The link to register for the event is here Car-Show-2022-Flyer and VENDOR APPLICATION for the event.
The Northwest Indian Language Institute, which supports innovative programs in Oregon’s rural communities, has received a grant from the Roundhouse Foundation to launch an initiative to analyze and re-envision the needs that NILI will address as the organization moves into the future. During the analysis, which will launch this summer and be conducted over approximately 15 months, NILI leadership will initiate conversations with language leaders from the nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon, Tribal Partners throughout the Pacific Northwest and existing partners and founding members. They will explore how language preservation needs have shifted among Tribal Nations and language revitalization practitioners. The analysis will culminate in winter 2023 with a final report that will serve as a roadmap for the next phase of the Institute. NILI will also hold its annual Summer Institute online this year with three course offerings for Indigenous language teachers and learners, and it will run from June 21-July 1.
In a News Release yesterday, Jefferson County Sheriff Marc Heckathorn reported a long term Drug Trafficking Organization investigation culminated when law enforcement professionals from across Oregon arrived in the early morning and served six simultaneous search warrants at six different addresses across northern Jefferson County. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office partnered with Central Oregon Drug Enforcement and utilized Central Oregon Emergency Response Team and Deschutes County SWAT in helping safely serve the warrants and to clear all the properties of people. It looks like it will be the largest drug bust in Jefferson County History. An additional investigation will be occurring as multiple arrests were made, additional information will be provided in a subsequent release.
Oregon health officials say that the impacts of climate change, including more devastating wildfires, heatwaves, drought and poor air quality, are fueling “climate anxiety” among young people. Their findings are published in a report that highlights youth feelings of distress, anger and frustration about perceived adult and government inaction. While the study participants also expressed a sense of resilience, the report underlines broader concerns about youth mental health in the United States amidst growing rates of depression and suicide nationwide. Climate change along with the coronavirus pandemic, have further exacerbated the mental health crisis.