State Directors Meet in Warm Springs

The Confederated Tribes this week (Oct. 3 & 4, 2023) hosted the Oregon Department of Human Services Directors, and Oregon Health Authority 770 Health Cluster meetings.

On hand were state agencies that often work with the tribes, especially with Health and Human Services.

Visiting from the state offices were directors and liaisons from the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Department of Human Services, Youth Development Oregon, the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon Housing and Community Services, the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, and Early Learning and Care.

Oregon Tribal Affairs is part of the Oregon Health Authority. They meet on a rotating basis with the nine tribes of the state. The meetings are the best way to keep in touch with the latest developments at the state level and with the tribes.

You can read about these meetings in a front page article of the Spilyay Tymoo that hit mail boxes yesterday.  Remember you can also read the Spilyay online at