KWSO Calendar for Tue., May 21, 2024

Today for Senior Lunch, they are serving pork chops, mashed sweet potatoes and Brussel sprouts from noon to 1 at the Senior Building.

There is a Wellbriety class today at from 1-2:00 at the Warm Springs Behavioral Health Center conference room. All are welcome.

Warm Springs Fisheries is passing out about 150 Spring Chinook from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery this afternoon around 2 o’clock in the Community Center Parking Lot.  There is a limit of 3 fish per family.  Please bring your own bag or cooler.

The Warm Springs K8 presents the Eagles Art Show is today 5:30-6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Everyone is welcome to enjoy student art, make art and learn about a free summer arts camp for middle and high school students. Local artists who would like to have a table to sell their art are welcome too.

Warm Springs Head Start students will be sharing the dances they have learned with Culture & Heritage. Tonight at 6pm at the Agency longhouse in celebration of World Day of Culture. Family Fun and Dancing Activities are planned.  It’s an opportunity to share about cultures whether it’s a meal from your culture, a dance or something you’re proud to be a part of. Everyone is welcome.

The Native American Student Union at Madras High School will meet after school tomorrow.

Warm Springs Spay & Neuter Clinic, coordinated by First Nations Veterinary & Fences for Fido, will be held June 1st & 2nd at Fire & Safety. Pets must be between 2 months and 5 years old, weight 60 lbs. or less and live with the boundaries of the Warm Springs reservation. Registration is required – visit or call 503-451-0765.

Papalaxsimisha 2nd annual NASU powwow is on May 31st in the Madras High School gym. Grand Entry is at 4:30.

Pi-Ume-Sha Treaty Days is coming up June 28-30 in Warm Springs. Vendors, queen candidates and families sponsoring specials are asked to contact Sharon Katchia at 541-295-6046. For parade information contact Ramona Baez 541-460-0077.

The Culture & Heritage Department is looking for youth ages 13 to 18 who are interested in attending the Youth Canoe Journey 2024 hosted by the Puyallup Tribe July 31st thru August 5th.  They will NOT be participating in the Power Paddle to Puyallup but will attend the landing ceremony and participate in the various activities during the event. The Culture & Heritage Department will provide transportation, meals and tents. It is a chaperoned event for the participants. Those interested should contact Adrianna Switzler to complete paperwork and secure a spot 541-460-2336.

Warm Springs Head Start is recruiting for next school year for children who will be 3 or 4 years old on September 1st.  If you have a child that age – please call ECE at 541-553-3241 and let them know you want to get on the Head Start List.

The Culture and Heritage Department has open class times to support the teaching of cultural crafts for community members. It is open Tuesdays from 1-7pm, Wednesdays 1-5:00, Thursdays 1-7 and Sundays by request. Projects could include such as wing dresses, ribbon shirts, moccasins, baskets and beadwork. Some materials are provided, and you can bring your own as well. For more information call 541-553-3290 or 541-460 0582.