KWSO News for Wed., Feb. 26, 2025

Grand Ronde Tribe open new treatment center for Native Americans

Native Americans needing help with addiction and substance abuse have an option opening this month in Sheridan, Oregon. Click to listen to KLCC’s Brian Bull’s report on the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde’s new residential treatment facility:


Columbia River Commercial Setline Fisheries

The Four Columbia River Tribes have set commercial sturgeon setline fisheries.

The fishery at Bonneville Reservoir opened this morning and will close at 6pm Thursday.

A setline fishery at The Dalles Reservoir will open at 6am Monday March 3rd through 6pm Tuesday March 4th.

The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission sends out fishery announcement text alerts that anyone can subscribe to by sending the keyword “critfc” in a text message to the number 555-888.


CTWS Tribal Council meeting summaries for Feb 18, Feb 19 & Feb 24

The Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs provides summaries of its meetings to help keep the membership informed.

This is a summary from a meeting held on February 18th:

Secretary-Treasurer Robert Brunoe gave his update to the council. Following that update a motion was made to waive fees for tribal members who need a new or replacement tribal I.D. card, and to work with Health & Human Services for cost recovery. It was approved unanimously.

Brunoe next presented the March Agenda and Travel Delegations. Joe Moses was delegated to attend the Chemawa Birthday event on February 22nd.

Draft Resolutions/Letters were presented by the Secretary-Treasurer.

  • Regarding the Cascade Renewable Transmission Project – the Council voted to approve a letter be signed and sent to Colonel Larry Caswell, Jr., United States Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District.
  • Resolution No. 13,215 regarding Tribal Based Subsistence Fishing was adopted – the vote was unanimously “yes.”
  • The Council approved a resolution for the Election & Counting Boards. Election Board members are Emily Courtney, Lucille Teeman-Suppah, Ruth Beymer and Valerie Squiemphen. Counting Board members are Leah Henry, Berna Greene-Boise, Violetta Vaeth and Sheldon Minnick. The resolution states that the rate of pay for these individuals will be $10.00 an hour, plus mileage at the federal mileage rate per mile for their service.
  • Resolutions were approved enrolling five new tribal members and relinquishing the enrollment of 2 individuals per their requests.

And, updates were provided on Indian Health Services by Tammy Wilson & Diane Fuller, the Health & Human Services branch by Taw Foltz and the Managed Care program by Michael Collins.

This is a summary from a meeting held on February 19th:

Cheryl Tom and Reona Trimble gave the Early Childhood Education Compliance Update. An update on the Finance Strategic Plan was provided by Pamela Keo-Douglas & Michele Stacona. Following a discussion on Cannabis, it was noted that a resolution was to be presented on Monday, February 24.

This is a summary of a meeting held on February 24th:

The Council resumed the Cannabis Discussion. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 13,220, that Tribal Council directs that the following question be submitted to a Referendum of the eligible voters of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon to be held on June 16, 2025 – “Shall the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation (“Tribe”) authorize the Tribal Council to: allow, license, regulate and operate a Tribally-owned retail sales facility to be located on-reservation and/or trust land for sales of marijuana and related products for the legal possession and use of small quantities of marijuana by adults 21 years of age or older on reservation?” If the referendum is approved by the membership as provided under Article IV of the Tribal Constitution and Bylaws, the Tribal Council shall amend the Tribal Code, including without limitation Warm Springs Tribal Code Chapters 305 (Crimes) and 743 (Marijuana Cultivation, Processing and Sale), to implement the membership’s authorization. The vote was 3/2/1. Members voting yes were: Alvis Smith III, Rosa Graybael and Carlos Calica.  Members who voted no to the question were: Raymond Moody and Lincoln Suppah. James Manion abstained, and the Chairman did not vote.

In other business that day, a motion was made and approved to reach out to the Governor’s office to request OSP be engaged in review of incident that occurred.