- This week is Spring Break for all 509-J Schools.
- Head Start is closed for Spring Break. The Infant Center (F Pod) and Preschool Care (G Pod) classrooms will be open.
- Warm Springs Recreation at the Community Center will be open for youth this week during spring break. Today there’s a 3-on-3 basketball tournament with pizza after.
- Senior Fitness Class at the Senior Center is every Monday and Thursday morning at 10:45 with a lunch for participants after.
- Warm Springs community members are welcome to fill containers with free drinking water every Monday at the Hydro Panel Facility, located next to the old Vehicle Pool building in the Industrial Park. Stop by Mondays between 8am and 5pm.
- Mondays at the Warm Springs Behavioral Health Center, there is a Women’s Talking Circle at 11am and Adolescent A&D Education class at 4.
- Warm Springs WIC is scheduling appointments for Mondays and Thursdays this month from 12:30–4:30pm, with extra support from Jefferson County WIC. Free Pajamas, Recipe Books and bags of fruits or vegetables are available, first come, first serve on Mondays and Thursdays, scheduled in March during the 12:30 – 4:30 appointments.
- Community Health & Wellness classes, facilitated by Frank Smith, are held weekly and open to all community members. Mondays is a Health Activities class from 1-2:30. They discuss issues that seniors and people with disabilities live with. Plus, there are library visits and social outings.
KWSO invited Tribal Candidates to come in for a short interview for the purpose of letting Tribal Members learn about them as individuals. KWSO also recorded audio at the Agency District Forum held in February. Spilyay Tymoo requested statements and photos from candidates for a special Tribal Council Election edition of the newspaper. For candidates who did not come in to do a KWSO interview and who did not participate in the Agency Forum, KWSO recorded the statement provided to the Spilyay Tymoo. To hear candidates online you can go to our website and click on the Tribal Council Election Box at the top of the home page. Additionally – you will have a chance to hear from all the candidates who we have audio or statements for tomorrow (3/25) from 6-9pm. Election Day is Wednesday, March 26th from 8am until 8pm at the Warm Springs Community Center.
Tananawit’s 3rd Annual Lil’ Creative Natives Youth Art Fair will be Tuesday (3/25) and Wednesday (3/26) from 10am to 3pm both days. It’s open to youth age 10 up through high school. Call Natalie Kirk to sign up at 541-553-3249.
There’s an Elder’s Fair at the Old School Gym on Wednesday (3/26) from 9am until noon. It’s an opportunity to get information about brain health & dementia, caregiving resources, VeggieRx, pest management, immunizations, senior clinics & home visits, CHR’s and the Tribal Senior Program. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information call Shawnetta Yahtin 541-553-2352.
The Kids Center in partnership with Warm Springs K-8 Academy is hosting the 2nd Annual Communities for Kids Event. This is in support of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Community members are welcome to the event on April 3rd from 3:00-5:30pm in the Cafeteria/Common area at the Warm Springs K8. Different programs will be set up, plus there will be dinner and raffles.
The Branch of Natural Resources is taking registrations for 2 upcoming horse clinics for tribal members. There is a horse castration clinic on Friday, April 11 for wild or domesticated horses. And, there is a horse dental clinic on Saturday, May 10th which will include teeth floating, vaccinations and deworming open to halter broke horses only. Both clinics will be held at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds and done by OSU veterinary students. The clinics are free and reservations are required. Contact Suzi Miller at 541-553-2007 for more information.