- Warm Springs WEDD is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There is a workshop today at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.
- Every Sunday, PIRS by SriPonya has Sports Agility Camp for youth in grades 5-8, coached by John Charles. It’s from noon to 1:30 at the Old Elementary gym – every Sunday through April. Walk-ins are welcome
- Tribal Council candidate Davis Sohappy, Sr. is having a meet and greet today from 2-5pm. Everyone is welcome to stop by and meet the Agency District candidate and have a bowl of chili.
- KWSO has been running segments from all Tribal Council candidates using audio that we have. Each candidate has two segments rotating. Segments are currently running in all our short form programming slots. We will end those segments early Monday morning (3/24). You can also hear candidates the KWSO website. Click on the Tribal Council Election Box at the top of the home page. Additionally – KWSO will offer 2 chances to hear from all the candidates who we have audio or statements for – this afternoon from 2-5pm and again on Tuesday (3/25) from 6-9pm. Election Day is Wednesday, March 26th from 8am until 8pm at the Warm Springs Community Center.
Warm Springs Head Start is closed for Spring Break. The Infant Center (F Pod) and Preschool Care (G Pod) classrooms will be open.
Warm Springs Recreation at the Community Center will be open for youth during spring break this week. Monday there’s a 3-on-3 basketball tournament with pizza after. On Tuesday, Carol’s Room, the game room and gym will all be open. They’ll have a barbecue and a color run at 3:30. Wednesday they’ll play Battleship from 9-11, have open gym from 11 to noon, a ping pong tourney from 1-4 and activities in Carol’s Room from 2-3. Thursday’s activities are Boot Camp at 10am, cooking from 1-2:00 and a pool tourney from 1-3. And on Friday they’ll have video games at 9am, an intro to weightlifting class at 11 and lawn games from 1:30-3:30.
Free drinking water is available every Monday to Warm Springs community members at the Hydro Panel Facility, located next to the old Vehicle Pool building in the Industrial Park. Stop by Mondays between 8am and 5pm.
Tananawit’s 3rd Annual Lil’ Creative Natives Youth Art Fair will be this Tuesday (3/25) and Wednesday (3/26) from 10am to 3pm both days. It’s open to youth age 10 up through high school. Call Natalie Kirk to sign up at 541-553-3249.
A name giving for Clinton Tohet and Jaycee Ann Merrifield will be held on Saturday, March 29th. It will start with Washut at 9am at the Simnasho Longhouse.
Warm Springs Fire & Safety is having an open house on Wednesday, April 2nd from noon to 1 at the Agency Fire Station. It’s a chance to tour the new apparatus bays, meet the firefighters and representatives from Prevention, Oregon State Fire Marshall, American Red Cross and more. Lunch will be served to the first 100 attendees.
The Native American Program Legal Aid Services of Oregon (NAPOLS) will offer free legal assistance clinics in Warm Springs. The next one is on April 7th 9am to noon at the Community Action Team office. If you qualify for their services, they can help with will drafting, estate planning, tenant & employee rights, protection from domestic violence, public benefits, homeless rights and expungement of a conviction. To make an appointment call 541-668-8352 or email lauren.guicheteau@lasoregon.org. Walk-ins are welcome, but there could be a wait.
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program helps Native Americans with disabilities by providing services, support and plans for successful employment. Voc Rehab is accepting new clients and welcomes folks to drop by their office to pick up an application at 1110 Wasco Street in the Education Building. For more information call 541-553-4952.
Warm Springs Head Start is now recruiting children who will be ages 3 or 4 on September 1st for next school year. Head Start Helps Families with: Child Development, Nutrition, Health, Education, and more. The Warm Springs Early Head Start program is also recruiting for children ages 0-3. Early Head Start offers child development, family support and prenatal care. Learn More about signing up your child for Early Head Start or Head Start by calling the Warm Springs Early Childhood Education Center at 541-553-3241.