Warm Springs Behavioral Health holds Parenting Classes every Wednesday at 11am. There is also an Adult Wellbriety meeting at 4:00 each Wednesday.
There is a senior lunch today at noon at the Senior Center dining area. On the menu – steaks with rosemary roasted potatoes, cabbage & carrots. Senior meals are free for all elders age 60 and older. Folks can join the seniors for lunch – it’s $1 for Youth, $5 for adults or you can assist with clean-up after the meal.
The Branch of Natural Resources is hosting a Tribal public meeting to discuss horse management efforts made in the last year and next steps. It is this this evening from 5-8:00 in the Community Center social hall. Light food and drinks will be provided.
The Recovery on the Rez group meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 at the new Park Place Housing community building. Food and drinks are provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.
There is an Agency District Meeting tonight at the Agency Longhouse. On the agenda: adoption, Tribal Council priorities, cannabis, Kah-nee-ta and energy transmission. Dinner is at 6 and the meeting at 7.
A retirement luncheon for Carroll Dick, honoring her 40 years of service to the Tribe, will take place tomorrow from 11am to 2pm at the Agency Longhouse. It’s a potluck, so please bring a favorite side dish.
An update and discussion on the Simnasho Grazing Plan is coming up tomorrow from 5-8pm at the Simnasho Longhouse. There will be assistance from the Range Committee and Natural Resources staff. Light food and drinks will be provided.
Caroline Cruz, Tribal Council candidate, is holding a meet & greet this Thursday from 5:30-7:30pm at the old school cafeteria.
Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There are 2 coming up – this Sunday March 16th and the next Sunday, March 23rd at 9am at the Education building first floor conference room.
Registration is open for a First Aid &CPR Training on Thursday, March 20th at the Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center atrium from 9am to 4pm. Participant can get certified in first aid and CPR, learn basic life supports and child & infant CPR. Space is limited. Register by calling Leanne Smith-Lucero at 541-553-2352.
An Elder’s Fair will take place at the Old School Gym in Warm Springs on Wednesday, March 26th from 9am until noon. It’s an opportunity to get information about brain health & dementia, caregiving resources, VeggieRx, pest management, immunizations, senior clinics & home visits, CHR’s and the Tribal Senior Program. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information call Shawnetta Yahtin 541-553-2352.
The next Warm Springs Spay/Neuter Clinic, brought to you by First Nations Vet, is scheduled for April 26th & 27th with another to follow on May 17th & 18th. The services offered include: Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations, Microchip and Flea/Tick Medication for dogs and cats. Pets must be between 2 months and 5 years old, weigh 60 pounds or less and live within the boundary of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Registration is required at https://firstnationsvet.com/warm-springs-nation. There is no cost for services and spots fill up fast, so interested pet owners in Warm Springs are encouraged to register early.
The 2025 Say Their Name Relay & Marathon is on May 10th. The event honors all of our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. The course is about 26 miles, 9 legs and 8 exchange points starting at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds and ending at the Simnasho Longhouse. Registration ends April 15th. Say Their Name Relay & Marathon Registration
A 2-day suicide prevention awareness senior & junior wild colt race clinic in memory of Solomon Stewart is planned for May 24-25 at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds. It’s for youth ages 6 to 19. The cost is $25 per child or $60 per team. There will be food and raffles. Entries can call or text in to Louis 541-460-6304 or Nathan 971-900-2069.
Warm Springs Head Start is now recruiting children who will be ages 3 or 4 on September 1st for next school year. Head Start Helps Families with: Child Development, Nutrition, Health, Education, and more. The Warm Springs Early Head Start program is also recruiting for children ages 0-3. Early Head Start offers child development, family support and prenatal care. Learn More about signing up your child for Early Head Start or Head Start by calling the Warm Springs Early Childhood Education Center at 541-553-3241.