KWSO Calendar for Fri., Jan. 17, 2025

The Mountain Star Resource Bus will be parked at the Warm Springs Community Action Team today from 10am – 3pm to distribute diapers and other supplies.  Families who register with Mountain Star can pick up items each week.

The Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs groups and meetings held on Fridays are: Relapse Prevention at 11am, Wellbriety at noon, and Anxiety Group with Dr. Barb at 3.

Elk steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans are on the menu for the Senior Lunch today.  Free meals for elders 60 and older are from noon to 1 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the Senior Wellness Center dining room.

Madras White Buff boys’ basketball teams are hosting Stayton today. The JV2 game is at 4:00, JV at 5:30 and varsity tips off at 7. Listen to KWSO for our broadcast of the varsity game live from the Buffalo Dome.

All Early Childhood Education Program Classrooms will be Closed for Staff Training on Monday, January 20th, 2025.  Families will need to arrange of alternate child care.

The Maternal Child Health Program at Warm Springs Community Health is having a Mommy & Me breastfeeding support group on Monday, January 20th. It’s from 11am to 1pm in the Health & Wellness Center atrium. It’s an opportunity to discuss breastfeeding topics, ask question, weigh baby & check milk intake after feeding and to connect with other moms and babies. Snacks will be provided.

Warm Springs Recreation is having a Polar Bear Party on Monday, January 20th – a no school day – from 1-4:00 in the Community Center social hall. It’s snacks, games and prizes.

The 59th Annual Warm Springs All-Indian Men’s Holiday Basketball Tournament is set for January 23-26 at the Community Center. For more information contact Austin Greene at the Warm Springs Recreation Department.

The Tribal Council is advertising Election and Counting Board vacancies. There are 3 position and on alternate for the Election Board and 4 vacancies plus one alternate on the Counting Board. Letters of Interest and Resumes of applicants interested on serving need to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO no later than February 10th.

Warm Springs Housing Authority reminds its tenants that for after hours and weekend emergencies, they should call Warm Springs PD Dispatch at 541-553-1171 and request Housing’s on-call service. Emergencies include a broken water line, sewer backing up, any electrical issues and kicked-in exterior doors. All other non-emergency work orders can be taken care of the next business day.

The High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s VeggieRx program is back for its third year! VeggieRx is a free freshly picked produce program where enrolled participants can get 15 weeks of freshly grown and harvested produce by Around the Bend Farms.   VeggieRx is a food access program created for people who are experiencing food insecurity, are 18 years or older, and have some type of diet-modifiable disease(s). If you or someone you know may qualify, please talk to your provider and have them send a referral to get into the program. Enrollment will begin in April and VeggieRx will begin in June.