Funeral Arrangements for Allen Warner Jr. “AJ” – This morning (2/25) at 9 there will be a viewing and Washut services at the Agency Longhouse. Burial will immediately follow at the Dry Creek Cemetery.
Thrive Central Oregon can help connect people to local resources for housing, health, basic needs, benefits assistance, and more. They have drop-in hours in Warm Springs and Madras once a week. Tuesdays they are available at the Warm Springs Housing Authority from 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Thursdays they are at Jefferson County Public Health 10am until 3.
Every Tuesday at the Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs, there’s a Community Health & Wellness group at 11am, a Wellbriety Meeting at 1:00, Adult Anger Management Class at 3; Adult A&D Education at 4pm, and Youth Wellbriety at 4.
Today is Senior Lunch and they are serving spaghetti with green salad & garlic bread from noon to 1 at the Senior Building.
The Maternal Child Health or MCH program at the Health & Wellness Center offers car seats for each new child born, home visits, prenatal and postpartum support, and breastfeeding support. Clients can also have assistance with car seat installation checked with Sheryl Lopez at community health. If you are IHS eligible you can call 541-553-2352 or stop by the MCH Office in the Community Health side of the Clinic in Warm Springs.
A tribal public scoping meeting for the proposed Sisi Timber Sale will be held tomorrow (2/26). There is a meeting from noon-2 and another from 5:30-7:30 at the Agency Longhouse. Please join to share your thoughts and voices about the project which will be located at Badger and Upper Warm Springs Watershed between the B-180 and B-260 Roads.
The Papalaxsimisha Native American Student Union meets tomorrow (2/26) during lunch in Mr. Kollen’s classroom 17. All students are welcome to share a meal and do some crafting.
Warm Springs Recreation’s Sweetheart Baby Fair is tomorrow (2/26) from 5-6:30 at the Community Center. The event will include the Little Tykes Regalia Fashion Show, family photo shoot, crawler race, a light meal, raffle prizes and info booths.
Family Teacher Conferences at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy are this Thursday (2/27) from 4-6 pm.
OSU Extension is doing a community workshop to make candied jalapenos. The workshop will be presented by Gather, Preserve, Store and Share Preservation Class participants on Thursday (2/27) from 5-6:30pm at Warm Springs OSU Extension. For more information contact Olivia Davis 541-553-3238 or email
Warm Springs CPS is offering electric bill assistance for up to 300 households, first come – first serve. This is for Warm Springs residents only. Bring a recent electric bill to the old school gym this Friday (2/28) between 1-4pm. Payment amount will be at the discretion of CPS.
The Warm Springs Emergency Management Office provides COVID-19 home test kits, masks and hand sanitizer to community members. Their office is at 1116 Wasco Street – the blue and white trailer next to the old school. It’s open 8am to 5pm. Water Distribution for households is available for pickup weekdays from 9-4:00. Ring the doorbell for service.
Warm Springs Nation Little League registration is open now through March 3rd. Registration is being done with paper forms. Player registration, medical release and school enrollment forms can be downloaded from the They are also looking for volunteer coaches for the upcoming season. For more information, email, call 541-325-3856 or visit Warm Springs Nation Little League’s Facebook page.