Every Sunday, PIRS by SriPonya has Sports Agility Camp for youth in grades 5-8, coached by John Charles. It’s from noon to 1:30 at the Old Elementary gym – every Sunday through April. Walk-ins are welcome.
Free drinking water is available every Monday to Warm Springs community members at the Hydro Panel Facility, located next to the old Vehicle Pool building in the Industrial Park. Stop by Mondays between 8am and 5pm.
The March Native Aspirations meeting is tomorrow from 12-1:30 at the old school cafeteria. Lunch will be provided.
A 2-day suicide prevention awareness senior & junior wild colt race clinic in memory of Solomon Stewart is planned for May 24-25 (9am-6pm on Saturday; 12-4pm on Sunday) at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds. It’s for youth ages 6 to 19. The cost is $25 per child or $60 per team. There will be food and raffles. Entries can call or text in to Louis 541-460-6304 or Nathan 971-900-2069.
Warm Springs Nation Little League is asking last year’s coaches to return any equipment issued. Contact Daniel Lawrence at the Community Center for more information 541-553-3243.
Do you know youth ages 13 to 16 who are struggling on their own keeping up with 509j On-Line School? PIRS by SriPonya can offer support who are feeling isolated, disconnected or feel like they may be falling behind with 509j On-Line. Youth and mentors work on 509j on-line together plus do arts, crafts, storytelling and adventures like hiking and sightseeing. They have two open spots for youth who could use the extra support with school and connecting with other youth. For more information, email jennifer@sriponya.com.
The Johnson O’Malley Committee is accepting applications for spring extra-curricular activity allowances through March 10th. This is for eligible Jefferson County 509J and South Wasco County students. A JOM Application and JOM Survey must be filled out once a year. The JOM Request for Financial Assistance and supporting documents must be submitted with each request. They can be submitted by email to JOM@wstribes.org or in person to any of the parent committee members: Arlissa White, Naomi Brisbois, Krysta Rhoan, Tashina Smith, Celeste White or Martha Alvarez.
Youth interested in participating in the Lil Miss Warm Springs pageant should fill out an application so you can participate in all the learning activities they have planned. You can pick up an application at the recreation office in the warm Springs community center. Classes will begin this week so get your application returned before then. Age ranges for Senior Miss Warm Springs is 15-17 years, for Junior Miss Warm Springs 12-14 years and Lil’ Miss Warm Springs ages 9 to 11.
A Memorial for Samuel Starr will be held on Saturday, March 8th at 10am at Simnasho Longhouse.