KWSO Calendar for Sun., Mar. 9, 2025

Daylight Saving Time began this morning – here’s your reminder to move your clocks forward one hour if you haven’t already.

Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There is a workshop this morning at 9 at the Education Building first floor conference room.

Every Sunday, PIRS by SriPonya has Sports Agility Camp for youth in grades 5-8, coached by John Charles. It’s from noon to 1:30 at the Old Elementary gym – every Sunday through April. Walk-ins are welcome

The next Jefferson County School District 509-J School Board meeting is tomorrow at 7pm at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy. Regular school board meetings usually happen on the second Monday of every month and are open to the public. Meeting agendas are posted 24 hours prior to each meeting and corresponding minutes are posted after board approval.

Tomorrow is the deadline for applications for spring extra-curricular activity allowances. This is for eligible Jefferson County 509J and South Wasco County students. A JOM Application and JOM Survey must be filled out once a year. The JOM Request for Financial Assistance and supporting documents must be submitted with each request. They can be submitted by email to or in person to any of the parent committee members: Arlissa White, Naomi Brisbois, Krysta Rhoan, Tashina Smith, Celeste White or Martha Alvarez.

A Conscious Discipline Education Series of classes, open to the community, will be held Mondays – March 17th, 24th & 31st – from noon to 1 in the I H S Atrium Conference Room. A light lunch for all participants will be provided. If you have any questions, call Charlene Moody at 541-553-2352.

The Maternal Child Health or MCH program at the Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center encourages new pregnant moms or postpartum mothers to come in to learn more about services and support that is offered.  There are classes such as back to boards class, breastfeeding support groups, and prep for labor and delivery. At community health women can get pregnancy tests, birth control, child immunizations, and STD checks. If you are IHS eligible you can call 541-553-2352 or stop by the MCH Office in the Community Health side of the Clinic in Warm Springs.

The Madras VFW is planning a Veterans Dinner on Sunday, March 30th. This will be a fundraiser and include an auction.  Contributions are needed and welcome. To learn more and find out how you can help you can contact Leonard at 541-777-1453 or Jan at 541-815-1278.

The Warm Springs Emergency Management Office provides COVID-19 home test kits, masks and hand sanitizer to community members. Their office is at 1116 Wasco Street – the blue and white trailer next to the old school. It’s open 8am to 5pm. Water Distribution for households is available for pickup weekdays from 9-4:00. Ring the doorbell for service.

COCC Spring Term GED classes in Warm Springs begin March 31st. They will meet Monday and Wednesday noon to 3pm in the Computer Lab at the Culture & Heritage Building. Email to ask about an online option. Registration can be done the first week of classes. Scholarships are available.

Community Health & Wellness classes, facilitated by Frank Smith, are held weekly and open to all community members. Mondays is a Health Activities class from 1-2:30. They discuss issues that seniors and people with disabilities live with. Plus, there are library visits and social outings. Tuesdays Tribal Best Practices class teaches traditional & cultural practices as an alternative to substance abuse. It’s at 11am in the old cafeteria. Wednesdays from 6-7:30 is Pencil Art Drawing at the Prevention office. Thursday is Fitness for Seniors from 10-11:30am at High Lookee Lodge. And Fridays mornings at 9 is a gang prevention meeting at the Warm Springs K8.