KWSO Calendar for Tue., Mar. 18, 2025

KWSO invited Tribal Council candidates to come in for a short interview for the purpose of letting Tribal Members learn about them as individuals.  KWSO also recorded audio at the Agency District Forum held in February.  Spilyay Tymoo requested statements and photos from candidates for a special Tribal Council Election edition of the newspaper.  For candidates who did not come in to do a KWSO interview and who did not participate in the Agency Forum, KWSO recorded the statement provided to the Spilyay Tymoo.  To hear candidates online you can go to and click on the Tribal Council Election Box at the top of the home page.  Tribal Council Election Day is Wednesday, March 26th from 8am until 8pm at the Warm Springs Community Center.

Students who have attended the Student Summer Workshop are reminded that they need to turn in their job applications to the WEDD Office.

Thrive Central Oregon can help connect people to local resources for housing, health, basic needs, benefits assistance, and more. They have drop-in hours in Warm Springs and Madras once a week. Tuesdays they are available at the Warm Springs Housing Authority from 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Thursdays they are at Jefferson County Public Health 10am until 3.

Here is what is on the Tribal Council agenda this morning – ECE Compliance Update; Tribal Land Status; and Warm Springs Community Action Team Update. This afternoon – Neighborhood Impact; Property Discussion; and Kah-nee-ta Update.

Every Tuesday at the Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs, there’s a Community Health & Wellness group at 11am, a Wellbriety Meeting at 1:00, Adult Anger Management Class at 3; Adult A&D Education at 4pm, and Youth Wellbriety at 4.

Today is Senior Lunch and they are serving baked salmon from noon to 1 at the Senior Building.

There’s a Joint Committee Community Update meeting today at the Agency Longhouse. Dinner will be provided at 5:30 and committee updates will begin at 6.

Agency District Tribal Council candidate Marcia Soliz invites voters to a Listening & Response Gathering this evening from 5:30-9:45 in the old school cafeteria. Bring a potluck dish if you’d like.

The Papalaxsimisha Native American Student Union meets tomorrow (3/19) after school in Mr. Kollen’s classroom 17. All students are welcome for a meal, crafting and a good time. The NASU mentor is Jillisa Suppah.

There is an Agency District Tribal Council Candidate Forum tomorrow (3/19) at the Agency Longhouse. A potluck meal is scheduled for 5:30 with the forum to follow. Tribal Council Election Day is March 26th.

There is a Baby Moccasin Making Class this Friday (3/21) from 9:30am to 4:30pm at the Family Resource Center. This class is prioritized for expecting/newborn parents and parents of toddlers. Supplies are limited so please call Charlene at Community Health at 541-553-2352 to sign up or ask questions.

Warm Springs Nation Little League has extended player and coaches registration deadlines to this Friday (3/21). They are still in need of umpires. Baseball tryouts will be held on Monday, March 31st at 6pm and Softball tryouts are on Tuesday, April 1st at 6pm.

Tananawit’s 3rd Annual Lil’ Creative Natives Youth Art Fair will be on March 25-26 from 10am to 3pm both days. It’s open to youth age 10 up through high school.  Call Natalie Kirk to sign up at 541-553-3249.

The MAC Recreation District has started accepting registrations for its Spring Youth Flag Football program. Divisions are PreK/K, 1st/2nd Grade, 3rd/4th Grade & 5th/6th Grade. Registration will close on March 28th. Visit to learn more.

The next Warm Springs Spay/Neuter Clinic, brought to you by First Nations Vet, is scheduled for April 26th & 27th with another to follow on May 17th & 18th. The services offered include: Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations, Microchip and Flea/Tick Medication for dogs and cats.  Pets must be between 2 months and 5 years old, weigh 60 pounds or less and live within the boundary of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.  Registration is required at  There is no cost for services and spots fill up fast, so interested pet owners in Warm Springs are encouraged to register early.