The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation announced Thursday that they will receive a $19,550 grant from First Nations Development Institute to implement the Culture Club program at the Warm Springs Boys & Girls Club. The grant will increase cultural awareness among tribal youth through interactive workshops of artistic and historical value. The program will utilize the knowledge and experience of tribal elders and artists. The Culture Club program will serve our Native youth and the local community through the afterschool programs at WSBGC. The Club will partner with tribal programs such as those at the Museum of Warm Springs, Culture & Heritage, as well as individual local artists and community members knowledgeable in tribal ceremonies and customs.
Oregon Department of Transportation closed southbound Interstate 5 at Ashland yesterday due to a wildfire in Northern California, while California Transportation officials stopped northbound I-5 traffic at the North Yreka exit. Hundreds of homes were being evacuated due to the blaze, called the Klamathon Fire burning about eight miles south of the Oregon-California border. Officials are allowing I-5 to reopen to traffic this morning but everyone can expect major delays and congestion. ODOT and Oregon State Polices will meter and escort several hundred vehicles through the burn zone south of Ashland, and the same will be done northbound lanes from Yreka. Depending on Fire behavior throughout the day, things could change.
Marilyn Tom hit a grand slam home run yesterday as the Warm Springs Nation Little League Junior Softball all-stars won the Oregon State Championship. They won the nightcap on a double elimination set of games yesterday in Clackamas. They dropped the first game 13-6 but won the second game. Congratulations: Kalise, Rylan, Marilyn, Natalie, Allison, Hailey, Shelby, Thaisa, Toya, Lorraine, & ChaCha. Coaches were Bird Windyboy and Gorkey Mitchell.