Senator Wyden Town Hall

Senator Ron Wyden held a town hall in Madras on Wednesday (2/22/17) at the Performing Arts Center.  Several hundred people were in attendance including a full section of Madras High School students.  Student participation included representatives of the Warm Springs Youth Council.  Question topics included: the Affordable Care Act, representation for Native Americans, immigration issues, the spotted frog, LGBT rights, public lands, Russian influence, and public safety needs for this summer’s solar eclipse.

Wyden concluded by saying the meeting was one of the “very best.”  “We have just seen representative democracy in effect.  I don’t think there was a bad question in the house.  No one insulted anyone else in the audience.  Questions came from a wide variety of participants with a cross section of views.”


2Those participants included high school students, farmers, veterans, the mother of an LGBT youth, citizens with specific concerns, as well as general concerns about the future of America.

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley will be in Madras on Saturday March 18th at 9:30am to hold a town meeting, also at the Performing Arts Center.