Big Lake Camp Scholarships for WS kids

There is an opportunity for Warm Springs Youth to attend the Big Lake Youth Camp outside of Sisters this summer.  There are 20 slots for 10-12 year olds in July and 20 slots for 13-17 year olds in August.  There is no cost but you do need to register soon.  You can register online – here are some details you need to know.

Additionally you will want to know the passwords for the scholarships

  • Junior Session: Priority Scholarships-Madras/Warm Springs
  • Junior Session Password: 2022JrPriorityScholarshipsWarmSprings
  • Teen Session: Teen Priority Scholarships-Madras/Warm Springs
  • Teen Session Password: Madras/WarmSpringsTn2022PriorityScholarships

If you have any questions or want to learn more you can call Seth Cantu at 707-530-1560.  He is the pastor at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Madras.

Here are the Priority Scholarship reg instructions