The Summer Acceleration Program at the Warm Springs K8 begins Monday. Kindergarten will attend from 9am until 12:30 each day. 1st through 8th grades will go 9am until 3pm. Drop off is 8:45-9am each morning. Breakfast will be served 9-9:15. Pick up for Kindergarten is at 12:30 and between 3-3:15 for 1st thru 8th grades. Youth do need to be registered for the Summer Acceleration Program. The 509J school district in partnership with Warm Springs has announced that due to recommendations from the Warm Springs COVID task force, masks will be required at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy when you cannot social distance. You can learn more about the Summer Acceleration Program by calling the school at 541-553-1128.
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Branch of Natural Resources is seeking public input on the Tenino Fuels Reduction Project as well as public input on the Clackamas Meadow Timber Sale. One of the tools used for public outreach is online surveys. The primary goal of the Tenino Fuels reduction project is to reduce hazardous fuel loads to decrease risk of catastrophic wildfires on Tenino Bench with secondary objectives to improve overall forest health and resiliency to insect outbreaks, drought and improving big game habitat. The Clackamas Meadows Timber Sale is located in the northwest corner of the Warm Spring Reservation. The sale will be used to treat and manage more than 24 thousand acres of tribal forest land. The sale will be used to address forest health issues, provide local employment, provide economic income for the Tribes and in some places help enhance cultural plant communities. All tribal members are invited to take a moment to participate in the survey. The links to both survey’s are posted here. Clackamas Meadows Timber Sale Survey Tenino Fuels Reduction Project Survey
The Warm Springs Housing Authority continues to recruit applicants for their Homeowner Assistance Fund Program. The program can offer up to $4000 in Mortgage Assistance and up to $4000 in Homeowner Insurance Assistance.
- Applicants must be an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
- Your primary residence must be located on the Warm Springs Reservation
- This is for current First Mortgage (stick built or manufactured home)
- Combined Household income must be 150% or less of Area Median Income.
A link to apply online is located here: WSHA App You may also pick up an application at the Warm Springs Housing Authority Office, or the Warm Springs Credit Enterprise Office. Call WSHA at 541-553-3250 if you have any questions.
With the recent heat wave hitting the Pacific Northwest, cooling shelters have been organized to help those in need of a place to escape the heat. In Warm Springs, a cooling shelter will be open weekdays at the Family Resource Center Conference room for whenever the temperatures exceed 90 degrees, which can range from 11am-8pm during the weekdays and from noon until 8pm on the weekends. Some of the rules are: No Pets are allowed, No alcohol, tobacco or drugs, No Violence, verbal or physical is allowed and face masks are required. Some tips for keeping your home as cool as possible: keep curtains and blinds closed during the day, open windows during cooler evening hours, operate the clothes dryer and dishwasher at night and set your AC’s at 78 degrees, higher when you are away from home. Limit physical labor during the hottest part of the day by starting early. If you must work in the heat, monitor your health to avoid heat exhaustion.
An alleged arsonist who reportedly ignited wildfires in a remote, forested corner of Oregon was apprehended by three local residents and tied to a tree until police arrived. Federal, state and county authorities responded to a radio call from a U.S. Bureau of Land Management employee who reported a man was walking along a gravel road and setting fires, in the forest some 25 miles northwest of Grants Pass. Curry County Sheriff John Ward says ground crews, assisted by local residents, and three helicopters quickly got the two fires under control. The alleged arsonist is jailed under $100,000 bond.
KWSO Weather for Central Oregon:
- Sunny and Hot today with a high near 109 degrees
- Tonight Mostly clear with a low around 67
- Sunny and hot with a high near 111 degrees
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