Bear Siting in Warm Springs

Yesterday evening (10/4/23) on the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Tribal Hunting Permits  Facebook Page they posted that the received a number of bear siting reports in the Warm Springs Agency Area.

There were reports from the Trailer Courts , Greeley Heights and the Tenino Apartment areas.

This time of the year bears are known to move into the community and target fruiting trees like apple, pears and choke cherries, occasionally trash if left out and pet food.

The Branch of Natural Resources (BNR) reminds folks it’s a good idea to keep pets inside and to be aware if you are on foot in the evening.

Natural Resources staff are working with Warm Springs PD to locate and haze the bear out of area.

BNR reports that there is no update on its location this morning and that It was last seen heading up toward Tenino and or Shitike.