CTWS Tribal Council – April 2024

Warm Springs Tribal Council publishes meeting summaries for Tribal Membership.  In April – Council held 8 meetings.

April 1st – action was taken to approve land purchases from 2 Tribal Member individuals as well as a homesite lease application.  There were Tribal Attorney updates and approval of funds for supplies for the Wasco Chieftainship election and also for paper products for the Celilo Salmon Feast.  TC SUM 04 01 24.mry

April 2nd Tribal Council approved having the Tribe’s Managed Care Program to perform the functions of an Indian Managed Care Entity.  TC SUM 04 02 24.mry

April 3rd there were updates from the Education Branch and Finance.  A couple motions were approved for Natural Resources including pursing opportunities to get buffalo for the Tribal Freezer. TC SUM 04 03 24.mry

April 8th – Enterprise Updates were heard and there was a State Legislative Update Call. TC SUM 04 08 24.mry

April 9th Committee Updates were given.  TC SUM 04 09 24.mry

April 15th – May Travel Delegations and the May Agenda were approved as was a resolution to provide one and a half million dollars from the BIRF fund for Warm Springs Composite Products to expand.  Museum board appointments were made.  Grazing District Resolutions were approved.  Vital Stats presented on enrollments and relinquishments.  There were also updates from IHS and the Branch of Health & Human Services. TC SUM 04 15 24.mry

April 16th Tribal Council heard updates from Tribal Court, Public Safety, Warm Springs Housing Authority, & Early Childhood Education.  The ST also provided an update on the Finance Plan.  TC SUM 04 16 24.mry

April 17th There was information provided about adoptions.  TC SUM 04 17 24.mry