Funeral Arrangements for Roger Minthorn “Ricky”
The dressing is at 2:00 today at the Agency Longhouse
Burial is Saturday morning at 10:00 at Agency Cemetery
The Boys and Girls Club is closed today. It will be open full days next week on Monday, Thursday and Friday, from 8 to 3 on Tuesday (New Year’s Eve) and closed on Wednesday (New Year’s Day.)
The Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs groups and meetings held on Fridays are: Relapse Prevention at 11am, Wellbriety at noon, and Anxiety Group with Dr. Barb at 3.
For senior lunch today, menudo is on the menu. Senior meals are from noon to 1 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the Senior Wellness Center dining room.
The Christmas/New Year’s Senior Ball today has been postponed until Friday, January 3rd.
A community workshop on canning jam will take place today from 5-6:30 at Warm Springs Extension Service. The class is being presented by Gather, Preserve, Store and Share Preservation Class participants. It’s free and participants will learn water bath canning and how to prepare, can and store fruit jam. FMI contact Olivia Davis 541-553-3238 or
Warm Springs Tribal Council is advertising for board and committee positions through January 10th. There are 4 positions on the Credit Board of Directors, 3 positions on the Telcom Board, 4 positions for the Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission, 2 positions on the Composite Products Board, plus they are seeking to fill a position on the Education Committee and the Land Use Planning Committee. The two committee appointments will finish out the 29th tribal council’s term. Send your letter of interest and resume to the Tribes Secretary Treasurer/CEO, Robert Brunoe.
Thrive Central Oregon can help connect people to local resources for housing, health, basic needs, benefits assistance, and more. They have drop-in hours in Warm Springs and Madras once a week. Tuesdays they are available at the Warm Springs Housing Authority from 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Thursdays they are at Jefferson County Public Health 10am until 3.
The CareStart Covid-19 home tests have expired in November. As of now, the FDA has not extended the expiration date. Please do not use these tests until further notice. Free Covid-19 tests can be ordered online and mailed (at no charge) to your home. Order free home tests from the USPS at The USPS website also provides a link to the list of tests with extended expiration dates if you wish to check whether the expiration date of any kit you have at home has been extended. Additional information can be found at, including a phone number to help with ordering if needed. You can also call 1-800-232-0233.