KWSO Calendar for Fri., Mar. 21, 2025

  • Today at Warm Springs Head Start, there are Child Vision Screenings. Head Start will be closed for Spring Break next week. Infant Center (F Pod) and Preschool Care (G Pod) classrooms will be open.
  • The Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs groups and meetings held on Fridays are: Relapse Prevention at 11am, an AA/NA Recovery Meeting at noon, and Anxiety Group with Dr. Barb at 3.
  • A hempcrete learning opportunity is happening today and tomorrow at a home on the B-160 Road in Sidwalter. It is a white house on the left – there will be signs. These are outside events and folks should dress according to the weather. They will have some extra gloves and safety glasses for those that would like to have a hand in mixing and making hempcrete. Today’s event is from noon to 5 and will be mostly educational as they set up materials and supplies. Saturday’s is from 10am to 6pm and will be the main day of placing hempcrete.
  • Chicken & rice is on the menu for the Senior Lunch today. Free meals for elders 60 and older are from noon to 1 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the Senior Wellness Center dining room.
  • Today is the final deadline for Warm Springs Nation Little League player and coach registrations. Baseball tryouts will be held on Monday, March 31st at 6pm and Softball tryouts are on Tuesday, April 1st at 6pm.

Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students who have not done so, must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There is a workshop this Sunday, March 23rd at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.

Tribal Council candidate Davis Sohappy, Sr. is having a meet and greet this Sunday from 2-5pm. Everyone is welcome to stop by and meet the Agency District candidate and have a bowl of chili.

A name giving for Clinton Tohet and Jaycee Ann Merrifield will be held on Saturday, March 29th. It will start with Washut at 9am at the Simnasho Longhouse.

COCC Spring Term GED classes in Warm Springs begin March 31st. They will meet Monday and Wednesday noon to 3pm in the Computer Lab at the Culture & Heritage Building. Email to ask about an online option. Registration can be done the first week of classes. Scholarships are available.

An Easter egg hunt is planned for Saturday, April 19th starting at 11am at the Campus Pavilion & Behavioral Health Lawn. The event will also include a BBQ, games and prizes. All youth ages 0 to 15 are welcome to participate.

The Maternal Child Health or MCH program at the Health & Wellness Center offers car seats for each new child born, home visits, prenatal and postpartum support, and breastfeeding support.  Clients can also have assistance with car seat installation checked with Sheryl Lopez at community health.  If you are IHS eligible you can call 541-553-2352 or stop by the MCH Office in the Community Health side of the Clinic in Warm Springs.

KWSO invited Tribal Council candidates to come in for a short interview for the purpose of letting Tribal Members learn about them as individuals.  KWSO also recorded audio at the Agency District Forum held in February.  Spilyay Tymoo requested statements and photos from candidates for a special Tribal Council Election edition of the newspaper.  For candidates who did not come in to do a KWSO interview and who did not participate in the Agency Forum, KWSO recorded the statement provided to the Spilyay Tymoo.  To hear candidates online you can go to and click on the Tribal Council Election Box at the top of the home page.  Election Day is Wednesday, March 26th from 8am until 8pm at the Warm Springs Community Center.