KWSO Calendar for Sat., Mar. 22, 2025

  • A hempcrete learning opportunity is happening today at a home on the B-160 Road in Sidwalter. It is a white house on the left – there will be signs. It’s an outside event and folks should dress according to the weather. They will have some extra gloves and safety glasses for those that would like to have a hand in mixing and making hempcrete. Today’s event is from 10am to 6pm.

Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students who have not done so yet, must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There is a workshop tomorrow (3/23) at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.

Tribal Council candidate Davis Sohappy, Sr. is having a meet and greet tomorrow (3/23) from 2-5pm. Everyone is welcome to stop by and meet the Agency District candidate and have a bowl of chili.

Warm Springs Head Start will be closed for Spring Break. The Infant Center (F Pod) and Preschool Care (G Pod) classrooms will be open.

Tananawit’s 3rd Annual Lil’ Creative Natives Youth Art Fair will be on Tuesday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 26th from 10am to 3pm both days. It’s open to youth age 10 up through high school.  Call Natalie Kirk to sign up at 541-553-3249.

An Elder’s Fair will take place at the Old School Gym in Warm Springs on Wednesday, March 26th from 9am until noon. It’s an opportunity to get information about brain health & dementia, caregiving resources, VeggieRx, pest management, immunizations, senior clinics & home visits, CHR’s and the Tribal Senior Program. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information call Shawnetta Yahtin 541-553-2352.

The MAC Recreation District has started accepting registrations for its Spring Youth Flag Football program. Divisions are PreK/K, 1st/2nd Grade, 3rd/4th Grade & 5th/6th Grade. Registration will close on March 28th. Visit to learn more.

The Warm Springs Tribal Council has announced board openings.  The Warm Springs Composite Board of Directors is seeking 2 board members, one Tribal Member and 1 non-member.  The Warm Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission has 4 positions to fill. Letters of interest and resumes for both entities can be submitted until 5pm Monday April 14th. A Criminal and Credit Background Check will also need to be completed. Contact the Tribes Secretary-Treasurer/CEO office if you have questions.

The 2025 Say Their Name Relay & Marathon is on May 10th. The event honors all of our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. The course is about 26 miles, 9 legs and 8 exchange points starting at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds and ending at the Simnasho Longhouse. Registration ends April 15th. Say Their Name Relay & Marathon Registration

A 2-day suicide prevention awareness senior & junior wild colt race clinic in memory of Solomon Stewart is planned for May 24-25 at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds. It’s for youth ages 6 to 19. The cost is $25 per child or $60 per team. There will be food and raffles. Entries can call or text in to Louis 541-460-6304 or Nathan 971-900-2069.

IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the Wild featuring Hunter Noack returns to Warm Springs on June 1st. This year the concert will be held at Kah-nee-ta. Gates will open at 3pm and the concert begins at 4. The event along the river will include tribal vendors and special guest artist Native American flutist James Edmund Greeley. You can learn more about the event and purchase tickets online at

On the KWSO website we have podcast versions of the candidate interviews along with forum audio for candidates that didn’t do an interview, audio of statements, PDF versions of the statements provided to the Spilyay Tymoo and submitted photos for those running to be elected to the 30th Tribal Council.  To hear candidates online you can go to the KWSO website and click on the Tribal Council Election Box at the top of the home page.  Tribal Council Election Day is Wednesday, March 26th from 8am until 8pm at the Warm Springs Community Center.