Memorial services for Neda Rose Sam-Tias are this morning. This be a continental breakfast at 8. Drummers are requested for services at 9. Lunch, giveaway and a namegiving for Shata Tailfeathers will follow.
The Memorial for Samuel Starr is this morning at 10 at Simnasho Longhouse.
Participants in the Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge can get Mid-Point Weigh Ins done today between 10am and 3pm at Jefferson County Public Health in Madras.
Madras High School Boys Basketball is hosting an OSAA first-round playoff game this evening vs. Scappoose. Doors open at 5pm and tip-off is at 6. Ticket prices are $6 for students, $10 for adults. No League, District, or OSAA Passes will be accepted. KWSO will have a live broadcast of the game.
Daylight Saving Time begins on tomorrow – clocks move forward one hour to daylight saving time at 2am. So be sure and move your clocks an hour ahead before you go to sleep tonight.
Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. There are three upcoming workshop dates and students should plan to attend one: this Sunday March 9th, Sunday, March 16th and Sunday, March 23rd at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.
The Johnson O’Malley Committee is accepting applications for spring extra-curricular activity allowances through Monday, March 10th. This is for eligible Jefferson County 509J and South Wasco County students. A JOM Application and JOM Survey must be filled out once a year. The JOM Request for Financial Assistance and supporting documents must be submitted with each request. They can be submitted by email to or in person to any of the parent committee members: Arlissa White, Naomi Brisbois, Krysta Rhoan, Tashina Smith, Celeste White or Martha Alvarez.
There is an Agency District Meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at the Agency Longhouse. On the agenda: adoption, Tribal Council priorities, cannabis, Kah-nee-ta and energy transmission. Dinner is at 6 and the meeting at 7.
Registration is open for a First Aid &CPR Training on Thursday, March 20th at the Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center atrium from 9am to 4pm. Participant can get certified in first aid and CPR, learn basic life supports and child & infant CPR. Space is limited. Register by calling Leanne Smith-Lucero at 541-553-2352.
Warm Springs tribal hunters are reminded to submit their on and off reservation hunting reports. All hunting tags need to be reported. You may bring your tags to Natural Resources, call in to the BNR secretary at 541-553-2001, report online at or send via email to
Every Kid Sports is a national non-profit providing financial support to kids from income-restricted families for sports registration fees. Qualifications include: kids between the ages of 4 and 18 who are currently enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP or WIC. Also, the sport you apply for is recreational not elite or travel and the sports season does have to last at least 4 weeks. The Spring application closes March 20th. Applications will open again for Fall and Winter Sports. You can sign up for their newsletter and also apply for a scholarship before the Spring deadline at