KWSO News for Mon., Oct. 12, 2020

Within the Lionshead fire zone, crews are assessing hazards ranging from hazard trees to muddy roads, working when and where it is safe to do, and ensuring their vehicles and equipment do not cause more resource damage. Over the weekend crews worked to remove snags from the roadway that fell in the windy and rainy conditions.  Cooler and wet weather brings a new set of challenges for firefighters working in cold, wet conditions.

  • You can read the full fire report from this morning HERE
  • And view today’s FIRE MAP

Because today is a federal holiday that is recognized by Indian Health Service – there will be no local Warm Springs Covid-19 report today.  However as of the end of the day last Friday – there had been no new cases of Covid-19 on the Reservation for a 24 hour period.  Last week there were a total of 11 new cases with 19 active cases last Friday and 32 close contacts being monitored by Public Health.

Today is Indigenous People’s Day which is celebrated on the second Monday of October every year. The holiday honors Native American Peoples, and is an official holiday in 14 states and more than 130 cities in the United States. The commemoration is a counter celebration of Columbus Day, with more states and cities dropping Columbus Day and opting for Indigenous Peoples Day each year.  Indigenous Rights Radio talked with Linda Coombs a board member for Plymouth 400 – an organization dedicated to the true history of the Wampanoag people & their interactions with the Pilgrims.   

You can learn more about Plymouth 400 ONLINE

Scores of cities and towns plan to host virtual or outdoor events Monday to mark Indigenous Peoples Day, which celebrates and honors Native American histories and cultures.  Fourteen states – and more than 130 cities observe Indigenous Peoples Day instead of or in addition to Columbus Day.

Tribal attorney Tara Houska explains the systemic problems faced by Native communities — and ways that others can support them.

You can view Tara Houska’s Ted Talk HERE

The notion of an Indigenous Peoples Day took root at an international conference on discrimination sponsored by the United Nations in 1977.  South Dakota was the first state to recognize the day in 1989, and the cities of Berkeley and Santa Cruz, California followed.  The National Museum of the American Indian has some SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES you can consider for today.

The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians is hosting a National Tribal Leadership Climate Change Summit tomorrow.  These virtual sessions will begin with Tribal Climate Change Policy and climate change implications for Tribes, First Nations and Indigenous Communities.  The session is free by you must REGISTER.

In Oregon, tomorrow is the last day to register to vote for the upcoming November election. In Warm Springs tomorrow afternoon from 4-5:30, there will be a table set up for voter registration for anyone who would like to register.  You can also register ONLINE