Warm Springs Campus Area Improvements

The Warm Springs Campus Area has seen improvements this year.

Recently that has included the removal of large trees by the old boys dorm as well as near the duplex across from CPS.

The trees near the old boys dorm had roots that were threatening the new basketball court, and the trees were old and large, potentially causing damage in a windstorm or other bad weather.

Warm Springs Housing Authority is in the process of renovating the duplex and added new roofing last week.

The new nearby pavilion will eventually be completed once decisions have been made regarding what material will be used for the ground cover.

And the Warm Springs Community Action Team Business Incubator project has seen a coat of paint go up on the old Commissary Building to ready it for a “Welcome to Warm Springs Mural”.  They are also improving the area immediately adjacent to that building, the oldest in Warm Springs, by adding some gravel.