KWSO Calendar for Tue., Mar. 4, 2025

At Warm Springs ECE – it’s Dr. Seuss Birthday Spirit Week for Read Across America. Today is Cat in the Hat Day – wear your favorite hat. Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday – wear mismatched clothes. Thursday is Fox in Socks Day – rock your mocs or crazy socks. And Friday is Sleep Book Day so wear your pajamas!

Today’s Tribal Council agenda items are: Tribal Council & BIA Compensation Discussion; Tribal Council Priorities Update; Public Safety Update; TERO Commission Update; and Gaming Commission Update.

Thrive Central Oregon can help connect people to local resources for housing, health, basic needs, benefits assistance, and more. They have drop-in hours in Warm Springs and Madras once a week. Tuesdays they are available at the Warm Springs Housing Authority from 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Thursdays they are at Jefferson County Public Health 10am until 3.

Every Tuesday at the Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs, there’s a Community Health & Wellness group at 11am, a Wellbriety Meeting at 1:00, Adult Anger Management Class at 3; Adult A&D Education at 4pm, and Youth Wellbriety at 4.

The Agency District Tribal Council Candidate forum scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed until March 11th.

The Papalaxsimisha Native American Student Union meets tomorrow after school in Mr. Kollen’s classroom 17. All students are welcome for a meal, crafting and a good time. The NASU mentor is Jillisa Suppah.

The Joint Committee Community Update scheduled for this Thursday has been postponed.

Madras High School Spring Athletic Parent Night is this Thursday, March 6th at 6pm in the Commons.

The Johnson O’Malley Committee is accepting applications for spring extra-curricular activity allowances through March 10th. This is for eligible Jefferson County 509J and South Wasco County students. A JOM Application and JOM Survey must be filled out once a year. The 2024-25 SPRING JOM Funds Request form and supporting documents must be submitted with each request. They can be submitted by email to or in person to any of the parent committee members: Arlissa White, Naomi Brisbois, Krysta Rhoan, Tashina Smith, Celeste White or Martha Alvarez.

Warm Springs K-8 students age 6 through 8th grade are invited to attend Good News Club Wednesday afternoons. A van picks up students at the K8 at 2pm to take them to the Warm Springs Baptist Church and returns them to before the end of the school day. Permission slips are located at the K8 office and Warm Springs Market, to be completed and turned into to your child’s teacher. If you have any questions, you may contact Urbana at 541-419-4821.

The MAC Recreation District has started accepting registrations for its Spring Youth Flag Football program. Divisions are PreK/K, 1st/2nd Grade, 3rd/4th Grade & 5th/6th Grade. Registration will close on March 28th. Visit to learn more.

There is an Agency District Meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at the Agency Longhouse. On the agenda: adoption, Tribal Council priorities, cannabis, Kah-nee-ta and energy transmission. Dinner is at 6 and the meeting at 7.