It’s Senior Breakfast this morning. French toast, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns & bacon are on the menu.
The Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs groups and meetings held on Fridays are: Relapse Prevention at 11am, an AA/NA Recovery Meeting at noon, and Anxiety Group with Dr. Barb at 3.
The Healing Our Spirits & Lands Round Dance is today and tomorrow at the Warm Springs Community Center. This evening is a pipe ceremony and feast at 5, with the round dance to follow at 7. Saturday’s round dance will begin at 7.
PIRS by SriPonya puts on a Sports Agility Camp for youth, coached by John Charles. Camps are for youth in grades 5-8 and are every Sunday from noon to 1:30 at the Old Elementary gym. Walk-ins are welcome.
Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. Workshop dates are this Sunday March 16th and next Sunday March 23rd at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.
This Sunday, March 16th, Warm Springs Extension Service is holding a lunch & learn session about fruit tree pruning. It will be from 10am to 2pm at the Education Building. There’s no cost to attend but you should call to reserve your spot 541-553-3238. Lunch will be provided.
PIRS, in collaboration with the Warm Springs Recreation Department, is putting on a St. Patrick’s Day party on Monday, March 17th. Everyone is welcome to join from 3-5pm at the Community Center for corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes and Irish shortbread cookies. Plus, they’ll have music, face painting and a treasure hunt.
A Joint Committee Community Update meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 18th at the Agency Longhouse. Dinner will be provided at 5:30 and committee updates will begin at 6.
There is an Agency District Tribal Council Candidate Forum will be held on Wednesday, March 19th at the Agency Longhouse. A potluck meal is scheduled for 5:30 with the forum to follow. Tribal Council Election Day is March 26th.
The MAC Recreation District has started accepting registrations for its Spring Youth Flag Football program. Divisions are PreK/K, 1st/2nd Grade, 3rd/4th Grade & 5th/6th Grade. Registration will close on March 28th. Visit to learn more.
Community Health & Wellness classes, facilitated by Frank Smith, are held weekly and open to all community members. Mondays is a Health Activities class from 1-2:30. They discuss issues that seniors and people with disabilities live with. Plus, there are library visits and social outings. Tuesdays Tribal Best Practices class teaches traditional & cultural practices as an alternative to substance abuse. It’s at 11am in the old cafeteria. Wednesdays from 6-7:30 is Pencil Art Drawing at the Prevention office. Thursday is Fitness for Seniors from 10-11:30am at High Lookee Lodge. And Fridays mornings at 9 is a gang prevention meeting at the Warm Springs K8.
Warm Springs Housing Authority reminds its tenants that for after hours and weekend emergencies, they should call Warm Springs PD Dispatch at 541-553-1171 and request Housing’s on-call service. Emergencies include a broken water line, sewer backing up, any electrical issues and kicked-in exterior doors. All other non-emergency work orders can be taken care of the next business day.