CTWS COVID-19 measures

The Confederated of Warm Springs is planning additional measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Details are being worked out but tentatively on Monday, March 23, 2020 employees with underlying medical conditions and over 60 years of age are being encouraged to stay home and Telework.  Flexible work schedules are also being encouraged, where possible, to help with social distancing measures.

Monday, March 30, 2020 – Friday, April 10, 2020 – Tribal Offices will be closed except for essential services.  All tribal employees qualify for full pay for those two weeks.  (full time, part-time, limited duration, etc.)

“Essential Services” are typically: Police Department, Fire & Safety, Public Utilities, and Children’s Protective Services – however additional programs may be deemed essential to assist the community during this extraordinary health crisis.

You can see today’s CTWS UPDATE for more information and the CTWS employee MEMO