KWSO News for Wed., Apr. 21, 2021

Yesterday, Oregon announced updates to County Risk levels that go into effect this Friday for at least a two week period.  The county risk levels are part of the state’s public health framework to reduce transmission of COVID-19.  Effective April 23 through May 6, there will be 23 counties in the High Risk level, three at Moderate Risk, and 10 at Lower Risk. As case counts and hospitalizations increase and counties qualify for higher risk levels, increased safety measures for businesses and activities will resume.  Deschutes County remains in the high risk category, Wasco, Crook and Jefferson Counties moved from the low risk category to high risk.    Jefferson County Public Health reported 3 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday and an additional single case yesterday.  Moving into the “High Risk” COVID-19 category – Jefferson County will fall under NEW GUIDELINES starting Friday.

Jefferson County Public Health has expanded their Saturday COVID-19 Moderna vaccination clinic for everyone 18 and over.   The clinic is this Saturday from 9am – 4pm at the First Baptist Church of Madras.  Registration is being done ONLINE now and they are also planning to serve walk-ins!

The change to the High Risk category will mean that prep sports will have more restrictions including limited capacity for spectators at sporting events.  As far as the upcoming winter sports season – the state has updated their metrics to allow resumption of indoor full contact sports with guidance requirements for schools that opt in.  Stay tuned for what that means for White Buffalo basketball and wrestling.

Across the nation – there are public awareness campaigns delivering the message of the importance of getting vaccination – along with the importance of continuing to take precautions to protect from COVID-19.

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Here in Warm Springs – our 509J students have been back to in person learning since February 1st and by all accounts that is going well.  Recently – some of the CASA students returned to in person learning following spring break.  There is a 509J update on the front page of the Spilyay Tymoo which is out today.  In the article, superintendent Ken Parshall says Madras High School has graduation set for June 5th.  At this point they have plans ready for both a traditional ceremony and a COVID safe drive through event.  Time will tell how they will proceed.

Also in this week’s Spilyay Tymoo, which is out today– there is information about candidates running for the Jefferson County 509J school district.  Election Day is May 18th.  If you are not registered to vote in Oregon elections – the deadline to get registered for the May 18th election is next Tuesday.   There is voter registration event today being organized by “We X Voter Outreach” You can register to vote this afternoon from 3:30-5:30 across from the post office here in Warm Springs.

Warm Springs Fire Management will be doing a prescribed burn in the Metolius Bench area near the M-200 and M-300 roads today and for the next few days.  Smoke will be visible for this planned burn and so they wanted to let the community know that this is a prescribed burn