KWSO Calendar for Mon., Dec. 20, 2021


Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and BIA Warm Springs Agency are closed today due to snow.  The Warm Springs IHS Clinic will open at 10am.

Please continue to take COVID-19 precautions by wearing a face mask and maintaining distance from others and if you haven’t yet been vaccinated – you should reconsider doing that.  Vaccinations are critical in reducing the spread of COVID-19.   If you were vaccinated but haven’t gotten your booster – get it to protect from COVID variants.

The Health & Wellness Center reminds you that it is flu season.  Many flu symptoms are the same as COVID-19 symptoms.  If you are not feeling well and have fever, body aches, a sore throat, congestion, fatigue and or a cough – you might want to get tested for COVID-19.  Testing is available at the outside orange tent today from 10am until noon and 1 to 4pm.

Jefferson County 509J schools are on their winter break for the next 2 weeks.

Warm Springs Economic Development reminds community members that today is drinking water fill up day at their Hydropanel facility in the industrial park.  You can fill drinking water containers from 8 to 5.

Senior Lunch is cancelled today with the Tribal snow day.

The Jefferson County 509J school district is in the process of establishing a new Title 6 Parent Committee.  Native Families can vote for parents to serve on the committee.  That voting ends today.

There will be a Warm Springs drive through Youth Toy & Gift distribution tomorrow from 10am -6pm.  Line up on Wasco Street by the old elementary school, check in by the Behavioral Health center and then proceed to the Family Resource Center.  There will be a food box distribution as well.  You do not need to sign up.  COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed.

Warm Springs Recreation is holding their Last Minute Outdoor Holiday Market on Wednesday from 11am – 3pm – Weather Permitting.  To reserve a table, call 541-553-3243.

Warm Springs Housing Authority reminds reservation residents that cars, trucks & trailers parked on the roadway are an issue for snow removal.   Housing tenants must move vehicles, boats and any other equipment off the road to allow snow plows to do their job clearing a path for safe driving.

At KWSO we have some free items available to anyone who would like to pick them up at the Warm Springs Media Center.  You can ring our doorbell during business hours to pick up a KWSO: one page 2022 calendar, a magnet; and a sticker – all featuring our colorful circle logo.