KWSO Calendar for Mon., Feb. 6, 2023

It’s late start Monday for 509J schools and at the Warm Springs K8 – that means class starts at 9:30.

This week at the K8, Middle School report cards will be mailed home and Elementary School report cards will come home with your students. Please make sure to sign it and return it to your student’s teacher.

In Eagles Sports – Girls Basketball plays at Elton Gregory Middle School in Redmond this afternoon

Senior Fitness Class is at 10:45 this morning at the Senior Center. A light lunch for participants is available after.

Tribal Council will have its first meeting of the month today. Agenda items are updates from Bureau of Indian Affairs; Bureau of Trust Funds Admin; Realty; COVID Team; Federal & State Lobbyists; and Tribal Attorneys.

The Native Aspirations Coalition meets at noon to discuss upcoming events and activities in the community.  The meeting is open to anyone interested in having positive impact in Warm Springs and making things happen.  The meeting is in the prevention training room at the old elementary school.

Warm Springs Recreation’s Valentine’s Day Office Decorating Contest is open to local departments and today is the last day to get signed up. The theme is “Show the Love NDN Style.” Offices must be decorated by February 14th at 5pm.  Winners will be selected after judging is complete, and trophies awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. If your workplace wants to get in on the competition, call Recreation 541-553-3243 to register.

Warm Springs Nation Little League player registration is open through March 12th. Register and find league information online at

The Papalaxsimisha Parent Group meets every Monday on Zoom at noon at 5:30. It’s a chanced to share ideas, challenges, concerns and goals and work together on solutions to empower and encourage our youth. Contact Lorien Scott or Rosetta Herkshan for questions.

Fences for Fido will have a second distemper and parvo vaccine clinic for dogs this Saturday from 10am to 1pm at the Agency Fire Station. Shots and boosters will be available. Young puppies need a series of 3 vaccines to be protected, and adult dogs need an annual booster. This is open to Warm Springs residents and registration is open now online. Here is the LINK TO REGISTER. To be prepared on the day of your appointment, please be sure to have any vet records or date of last vaccine, and dogs should remain in your car and on a leash.

Elderberry Wisdom Farm is offering paid internships for Native Americans interested in learning regenerative farming and microenterprise business development. You will train with a Native American farmer and learn to prepare the soil to grow a crop of organic foods. Interns will also assist with formation of the Native American Farm Cooperative and Farmer’s Market. It will run 8 weeks beginning in April, 3 days a week with pay and additional funds for your business. Learn more at