Warm Springs Disc Golf

There is a junior Disc Golf tournament happening on Saturday, July 1st at the 7th Mountain Resort Disc Golf Course in Bend. The entry fee is $20 and covers a free disc, lunch, and entries to mini games happening within the tournament. For questions about the tournament, contact Sharon Jenkins at 330-461-3736.

The first 3 students from the Warm Springs K8 in 4th- or 5th grade to register will receive 2 free starter discs and a carrying bag.

Mrs. Raymond will also be available for coaching at the K8 May 12th until June 24th – on Fridays from 3 to 5 PM (except May 19th & 26th) and Saturdays from 9 AM until 11 AM.

If your student wants to get practice or coaching tips, please reach out to her through Facebook messenger or by phone at 541-222-9164 to let her know which students to expect on those days.

Disc Golf Flyer