KWSO Calendar for Fri., Jan. 24, 2025

Tribal Council Candidates are asked to contact KWSO to set up a time to come in to do a short interview for our Tribal Council Candidate programming.  Just call 541-553-1968 or stop by the Media Center.

 It’s Blue & White Day at Warm Springs ECE. Dress in blue and white to represent the colors of January! PLUS Families can enjoy an afternoon treat of Popcorn at pick up time in the ECE Front Lobby.

The Mountain Star Resource Bus is parked at the Warm Springs Community Action Team on Fridays from 10am – 3pm to distribute diapers and other supplies.  Families who register with Mountain Star can pick up items each week.

The Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs groups and meetings held on Fridays are: Relapse Prevention at 11am, an AA/NA Recovery Meeting at noon, and Anxiety Group with Dr. Barb at 3.

Chili beans & corn bread are on the menu for the Senior Lunch today.  Free meals for elders 60 and older are from noon to 1 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the Senior Wellness Center dining room.

The South Wasco County School District’s Theatre Department will present A Wrinkle in Time today at 3pm, Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 3pm at the Southern Wasco County Library in Maupin.

Madras boys basketball teams have home games today vs. The Dalles. JV2 tips off at 4:00, JV at 5:30 and varsity at 7. KWSO will have a live broadcast of the varsity game.

Kah-nee-ta Hot Springs Resort is having a Tribal Appreciation Day this Sunday 11am until 7pm. Day-use will be free for all Tribal Members, MITs and Tribal Employees.  Please bring your Tribal or Employee ID.

There is a baby moccasin making class on Monday, January 27th 9:30am to 4pm in the Old Elementary Cafeteria. This class is prioritized for expecting or newborn parents and parents of toddlers. Supplies are limited so call Sheryllee or Charlene at Community Health to sign up 541-553-2352.

The Mt. Hood Meadows annual Warm Springs Ski & Snow Board Day is next Friday, January 31st. This is for beginners or veteran skiers or snowboarders who are: Warm Springs Tribal Members, Residents and/or Tribal Employees. Transportation is available and everything you need is provided. To sign up – email or text 541-460-2255 with your name and a contact info. The deadline to sign up is Monday Morning, January 27th – 9am.  You can find details on the KWSO website

The annual Point in Time Count is coming up this Tuesday, January 28th at the Old Elementary School Gym from 9am – 4pm.  For participants, there will be Resource Booths set up, non-perishable foods items, breakfast beginning at 9am, lunch starting at 11.  This is to count sheltered and unsheltered individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community.  This includes people residing in emergency shelters, transitional housing, safe havens, and those living unsheltered on the streets, in vehicles, or other locations not considered permanent housing.

The Upper Deschutes Watershed Council is coordinating a six-part informational speaker series about the Metolius River and its watershed. Learn about the Metolius River and its history, hydrology, water quality, habitat conditions, native fish, recreation and conservation, and stream restoration. There are five classroom sessions, and one full-day field trip. The cost is $59. The first class is February 4th from 5:30-7:30pm. Registration is online at the COCC Community Education website.

Lincoln’s Powwow in Simnasho is set for February 7-9. Grand entries will be Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 1pm and Sunday at 1:30. For vendor information contact Sandra Greene and for all other powwow info – Austin Greene or Margie Tuckta.

The Maternal Child Health or MCH program at the Health & Wellness Center offers car seats for each new child born, home visits, prenatal and postpartum support, and breastfeeding support.  Clients can also have assistance with car seat installation checked with Sheryl Lopez at community health.  If you are IHS eligible you can call 541-553-2352 or stop by the MCH Office in the Community Health side of the Clinic in Warm Springs.