The Healing Our Spirits & Lands Round Dance continues this evening at the Warm Springs Community Center. It will begin at 7.
Warm Springs WEDD – Work Education Development Department – is taking applications for 2025 student summer work for ages 14-24, who are Native American and reside in Jefferson, Wasco, Deschutes or Crook County. Students must attend a pre-employment workshop to be eligible. This is a workshop tomorrow and another on Sunday March 23rd – both at 9am at the Education Building first floor conference room.
PIRS, in collaboration with the Warm Springs Recreation Department, is putting on a St. Patrick’s Day party on Monday March 17th. Everyone is welcome to join from 3-5pm at the Community Center for corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes and Irish shortbread cookies. Plus, they’ll have music, face painting and a treasure hunt.
A Joint Committee Community Update meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 18th at the Agency Longhouse. Dinner will be provided at 5:30 and committee updates will begin at 6.
Every Kid Sports is a national non-profit providing financial support to kids from income-restricted families for sports registration fees. Qualifications include: kids between the ages of 4 and 18 who are currently enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP or WIC. Also, the sport you apply for is recreational not elite or travel and the sports season does have to last at least 4 weeks. The Spring application closes March 20th. Applications will open again for Fall and Winter Sports. You can sign up for their newsletter and also apply for a scholarship before the Spring deadline at
Warm Springs Nation Little League has extended player and coaches registration deadlines to Friday, March 21st. Baseball tryouts will be held on Monday, March 31st at 6pm and Softball tryouts are on Tuesday, April 1st at 6pm.
The Native American Program Legal Aid Services of Oregon (NAPOLS) will offer free legal assistance clinics in Warm Springs April 7th and May 5th 9am to noon at the Community Action Team office. If you qualify for their services, they can help with will drafting, estate planning, tenant & employee rights, protection from domestic violence, public benefits, homeless rights and expungement of a conviction. To make an appointment call 541-668-8352 or email Walk-ins are welcome, but there could be a wait.
American Flags in the United States are lowered to half-staff on 4 days annually. May 15 – for Peace Officers Day. In May on Memorial Day, which is the last Monday of month. September 11th which is Patriot Day. And December 7th that is Pearl Harbor Day. Flag Half Staff days outside of those days can be directed by the president of the United States, by a state’s governor or the mayor of Washington DC.
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program helps Native Americans with disabilities by providing services, support and plans for successful employment. Voc Rehab is accepting new clients and welcomes folks to drop by their office to pick up an application at 1110 Wasco Street in the Education Building. For more information call 541-553-4952.
The Warm Springs Emergency Management Office provides COVID-19 home test kits, masks and hand sanitizer to community members. Their office is at 1116 Wasco Street – the blue and white trailer next to the old school. It’s open 8am to 5pm. Water Distribution for households is available for pickup weekdays from 9-4:00. Ring the doorbell for service.