KWSO Calendar for Tue., Mar. 11, 2025

Thrive Central Oregon can help connect people to local resources for housing, health, basic needs, benefits assistance, and more. They have drop-in hours in Warm Springs and Madras once a week. Tuesdays they are available at the Warm Springs Housing Authority from 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Thursdays they are at Jefferson County Public Health 10am until 3.

Every Tuesday at the Behavioral Health Center in Warm Springs, there’s a Community Health & Wellness group at 11am, a Wellbriety Meeting at 1:00, Adult Anger Management Class at 3; Adult A&D Education at 4pm, and Youth Wellbriety at 4.

The Branch of Natural Resources is hosting a Tribal public meeting to discuss horse management efforts made in the last year and next steps. It will be tomorrow 5-8pm in the Community Center social hall. Light food and drinks will be provided.

There is an Agency District Meeting tomorrow at the Agency Longhouse. On the agenda: adoption, Tribal Council priorities, cannabis, Kah-nee-ta and energy transmission. Dinner is at 6 and the meeting at 7.

The Papalaxsimisha Native American Student Union meets tomorrow during lunch in Mr. Kollen’s classroom 17. All students are welcome to share a meal and do some crafting.

A retirement luncheon for Carroll Dick, honoring her 40 years of service to the Tribe, will take place on Thursday, March 13th from 11am to 2pm at the Agency Longhouse. It’s a potluck, so please bring a favorite side dish.

PIRS, in collaboration with the Warm Springs Recreation Department, is putting on a St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17th. Everyone is welcome to join from 3-5pm at the Community Center for corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes and Irish shortbread cookies. Plus, they’ll have music, face painting and a treasure hunt.

There is an Agency District Tribal Council Candidate Forum will be held on Tuesday, March 18th at the Agency Longhouse. A potluck meal is scheduled for 5:30 with the forum to follow. Tribal Council Election Day is March 26th.

Warm Springs tribal hunters are reminded to submit their on and off reservation hunting reports. All hunting tags need to be reported. You may bring your tags to Natural Resources, call in to the BNR secretary at 541-553-2001, report online at or send via email to

The Native American Program Legal Aid Services of Oregon (NAPOLS) will offer free legal assistance clinics in Warm Springs April 7th and May 5th 9am to noon at the Community Action Team office. If you qualify for their services, they can help with will drafting, estate planning, tenant & employee rights, protection from domestic violence, public benefits, homeless rights and expungement of a conviction. To make an appointment call 541-668-8352 or email Walk-ins are welcome, but there could be a wait.

Every Kid Sports is a national non-profit providing financial support to kids from income-restricted families for sports registration fees.  Qualifications include: kids between the ages of 4 and 18 who are currently enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP or WIC.  Also, the sport you apply for is recreational not elite or travel and the sports season does have to last at least 4 weeks.    The Spring application closes March 20th.  Applications will open again for Fall and Winter Sports.  You can sign up for their newsletter and also apply for a scholarship before the Spring deadline at