KWSO Calendar for Wed., Mar. 26, 2025

Today is Tribal Council Election Day in Warm Springs. Voting is taking place from 8am until 8pm at the Community Center.

Warm Springs Recreation at the Community Center is open for youth this week for spring break. Today, they’re playing Battleship from 9-11, have open gym from 11 to noon, a ping pong tourney from 1-4 and activities in Carol’s Room from 2-3.

There’s an Elder’s Fair today at the Old School Gym from 9am until noon. It’s an opportunity to get information about brain health & dementia, caregiving resources, VeggieRx, pest management, immunizations, senior clinics & home visits, CHR’s and the Tribal Senior Program. Snacks and beverages will be provided.

Warm Springs Behavioral Health holds Parenting Classes every Wednesday at 11am. There is also an Adult Wellbriety meeting at 4:00 each Wednesday.

There is a senior lunch today at noon at the Senior Center dining area. On the menu – chicken posole. Senior meals are free for all elders age 60 and older. Folks can join the seniors for lunch – it’s $1 for Youth, $5 for adults or you can assist with clean-up after the meal.  There will not be senior lunch deliveries today.

NAYA and the Tribal Democracy Project present Native Oregon Day of Action Lobby Day training this evening at the Warm Springs Community Center. NAYA is conducting the training and discussion for community members interested in increasing their political voice to empower and education policymakers on critical issues affecting the tribe. The training is from 5-8pm in the social hall. Dinner will be provided.

The Recovery on the Rez group meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 at the new Park Place Housing community building. Food and drinks are provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The MAC Recreation District is taking registrations for its Spring Youth Flag Football until this Friday at noon. Divisions are PreK/K, 1st/2nd Grade, 3rd/4th Grade & 5th/6th Grade. Visit to learn more.

A presentation to learn more about human trafficking will be held at the Warm Springs Community Center on Friday, April 11th from 10am to noon. Guest speakers are Masayo Halpin and Marti Rai Ramsey. Masayo is a former Special Agent with the Portland FBI and Marti Rai is a Tribal Member who has been a frontline responder for many years helping and advocate. The presentation will include information and topics that may be sensitive and graphic. MMIR Warm Springs & Papalaxsimisha are bringing this presentation to the community for awareness, education, and prevention purposes.

St. Charles Bend is hosting a Native Market at the Bend Hospital Campus on Thursday May 15th from 11am to 3pm. There is no cost to be a vendor and they will provide tables, covers, and help bringing in/taking out your items. Any interested vendors should contact Shilo Shaw Tippett at St. Charles Madras.