KWSO Calendar for Thu., Nov. 26, 2020

KWSO is public media owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.  Our programming and online content seeks to inform, educate and have positive impact.

We are sharing a Thanksgiving Talking Drum Marathon and Membership Drive for the holiday.

  • Overnight and in the evening we will have our Talking Drum – Language Mix
  • Thursday 6-9am it’s Language, Culture & History Hours
  • And we will have uninterrupted hours of Talking Drum:
    • 9am – 20th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Powwow 1997
    • 10am – Crow Hops & Sneak Ups from the KWSO archives
    • 11am – Red Bull
    • 12pm – Stick Game Songs
    • 1pm – Assorted recordings from the KWSO archives
    • 2pm – Eagle Spirit Powwow
    • 3pm – Thanksgiving Mini Powwow 1996
    • 4pm – Wildhorse Powwow 2002
    • 5pm – Schemitzun Powwow 2003

KWSO is a public radio station owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.   You can support KWSO operations by becoming a sustaining membership for as little as $10 or $20 a month.  If you like that we are having a Thanksgiving Talking Drum Marathon or if you like KWSO’s news and information, music and programs – you can support our work by becoming a KWSO member.  If you sign up now – you will get a KWSO 2020 Calendar featuring local images.  Visit our website to contribute now.

You can also support KWSO with a donation or the purchase of merchandise in our online store.

The coronavirus disease, also called COVID, continues to spread in Warm Springs. It is very contagious and can infect anyone.

We traditionally celebrate special events with family and community gatherings. This year we need to remember that caring for each other is the foundation of our culture. We all are responsible for keeping our community safe and healthy.  Due to the increased spread of COVID, your home is the safest place to be. This Thanksgiving stay home with only those that live in your household.

The Coronavirus Disease, also called COVID, causes serious symptoms in some people – and mild or no symptoms in others. People with mild or no symptoms can still spread Coronavirus to other people.

To protect yourself and others stay home and avoid group or multiple household gatherings.

If you must go out for essential needs make sure you:

  • always wear a mask over your nose and mouth
  • wash your hands often or use an alcohol based sanitizer frequently
  • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth
  • keep a safe distance from others – a safe distance is 6 or more feet

Here are some things you can do to Celebrate Safely this Thanksgiving:

  • When shopping for groceries, send only 1 family member
  • Shop early to avoid crowded stores
  • Wear a mask
  • Keep a safe distance from others (a safe distance is 6 feet or more)
  • Clean your hands frequently – use soap and water or hand sanitizer
  • Wipe down and clean areas that people most often touch

If we all work together, we CAN keep Warm Springs safe for everyone

Symptoms for COVID-19 can include: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, loss of taste or smell.  If you have symptoms or are concerned you came in contact with Covid-19 – call the I.H.S. “COVID-19 Nurse Triage Hotline” at 541-553-5512.  You can also visit CDC-dot-gov for more information.

The Warm Springs IHS clinic will be open tomorrow.  They ask that you call ahead if you plan on going there.

  • For a regular appointment call 541-553-2610.
  • For all other business call 541-553-1196