Warm Springs OSU Extension – October News

Fall is upon is and Warm Springs OSU Extension is right on with useful information about preserving fruits and vegetables.  Electric Dehydrators is an easy option for drying foods with a range of capacity and quality.  What’s great is you can preserve food regardless of the weather.

You can also do solar drying to preserve food using a solar box that amplifies the sunlight.  Oven drying small amounts of food can work too although it often makes for slightly more brittle foods.

HERE is some additional information about methodology – selecting and preparing fruits & vegetables for drying.

Bananas are a fruit that can be dried.  But they are also great in baking, eating whole for a snack and in seasoning pancakes!  Find Banana facts, storage tips and hacks along with some yummy recipes – in this month’s Food Hero from Warm Springs OSU Extension!


Banana Pancake Recipe Card