Thursday Market

Today’s Thursday Market (8/17/23) will start at 10:30am today on campus in Warm Springs despite hazy hot conditions.

This summer the weekly market has drawn vendors who are selling items or doing food fundraisers.  OSU Extension always has food samples and recipes and KWSO always has cold water.  For some booths – sharing information and doing education is their focus.

Jaycelene Brisbois was set up last week for Warm Springs Prevention – sharing about Narcan saying “Narcan is a life saving drug that has one job and one job only – it’s to block your Opioid Receptors.  You can give it to people in good faith and will have no harm.  It’s good for when people who overdose on drugs or if they are unconscious. You might think it’s an opioid overdose you can give it to them – it’s a nasal spray so you just shoot it up their nose. Most of the time they will come to within a few minutes and if not – you just keep giving it to them until they come to or until medical help arrives.  Narcan is important for everyone in the community to have especially now with the Fentanyl and Opioid crisis we are in now.  A lot of street drugs are laced with Fentanyl.  The smallest dose is very lethal and so any chance we can give to save a person is a better shot for the community to prevent deaths”

Today’s Thursday Market features include pistol cases and locks from prevention as a suidice prevention strategy,  emergency management will be giving out food boxes, the High Desert Food and Farm Alliance with the help of WIC – will be handing out free fresh harvest kids and KWSO will be doing our beadwork raffle, we have some KWSO magnets to give away and we will be asking people for stories about the campus area for our campus history project.