Pi-Ume-Sha 2024

Pi-Ume-Sha Treaty Days in Warm Springs will take place June 28th, 29th & 30th at the Pi-Ume-Sha Grounds behind the Warm Springs Community Center.  All events & activities are open to the public.

Pi-Ume-Sha-2024 Flyer

The weekend includes the Treaty Days Powwow, a Parade, Rodeo Action, an Endurance Horse Race.

Pi-Ume-Sha Softball

Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo

Pi-Ume-Sha Endurance Horse Race

Pi-Ume-Sha Traditional & Horse Parade

Pi-Ume-Sha week includes a Tribal Holiday on Tuesday June 25th in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of 1855 between the Indians of Middle Oregon and the United States Government.

On Wednesday, June 26th, its the annual Pi-Ume-Sha Health Fair that will be held outdoors at the Warm Springs Community Center.  It’s an opportunity to learn about health issues and local resources, participate in surveys and pick up some excellent swag!  Health Fair Flyer

Pi-Ume-Sha Treaty Days grand entries are: Friday (6/25) at 7pm, Saturday (6/26) at 1pm & 7pm, and Sunday (6/27) at 1pm.