Fire Season Declared

The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Warm Springs Agency is entering declared fire season at midnight tonight, June 7, 2024.

As the fire danger increases during the declared season the restrictions will follow the regulations covered by the National Fire Danger Rating System, Industrial Fire Precaution Levels and Warm Springs Mobilization and Dispatch plan.

All Reservation Zones will remain at Industrial Fire Precaution Level Zero but high temperatures are predicted for much of the Northwest in the weeks ahead with high fire danger as the summer season progresses.  The Warm Springs Reservation fire danger rating is currently MODERATE.

Folks are reminded to create defensible space around your home by removing any fuels for wildfire out at least 30 feet.   100 feet out – you should have all your tree branches trimmed up and debris removed.   This way when a wildfire occurs – there is no fuel that will lead it to your house.

Defensible Space Checklist