KWSO Calendar for Sat., Sep. 28, 2024

The Jefferson County Cowdeo is today at the Fairgrounds in Madras. Grand Entry is at 8:30 and events start at 9.

On the Madras High School sports schedule today – Varsity Volleyball will compete at the Junction City Tournament.

Push Movement Recovery & The Shred Road are having a skateboarding event at the Warm Springs Skate Park today from 1-5pm. You don’t have to ride a skateboard to participate – all skill levels are welcome. There will be skateboarding, live music, and it’s a family friendly function.

Warm Springs OSU Extension will be hosting a dinner to “Meet Extension” on Thursday, October 3rd from 5:30pm to 7pm at the Warm Springs Education Building. This is an opportunity to learn what Extension is and what they do here in the Warm Springs Community. Dinner for attendees will be provided, and all are welcome.

Memorials for Aaron Mitchell and Dennis Smith, Sr. will take place at the Agency Longhouse on Saturday, October 5th. Services will start at 9am. A giveaway and meal will follow.

A memorial for Everett Miller will take place Saturday, October 5th. There will be a stone setting at the Simnasho Cemetery at 8am, with the memorial services and dinner to follow at the Simnasho Longhouse.

Warm Springs OSU Extension is taking signups for the Fall Fruit Loop Tour on Saturday, October 5th from 8-5. It’s a free trip and will include a presentation on tree fruit and several orchards stops along the Hood River Fruit Loop. Attendees should bring a lunch, snacks, water and money for purchasing produce. Transportation is available. Contact Rosanna at 541-553-3238 and let her know if you’ll be riding on the van or driving your own vehicle.

District meetings to present the 2025 proposed budget have been set. They will be held Monday, October 7th at the Agency Longhouse, Tuesday, October 8th at the Seekseequa Fire Hall, and Wednesday, October 9th at the Simnasho Longhouse. Dinners are at 6pm and meetings follow at 7.

Warm Springs Recreation is having an art contest with the theme “What I Love About Warm Springs, The Rez, Our Home.” There are all age categories from toddler to elders. Turn in art by October 16th at the Community Center office for a chance to win prizes. The Art Contest event will be held on Friday, October 18th from 5-8pm in the Social Hall.

An American Red Cross Warm Springs Blood Drive will be held on Monday, October 7th at the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center. Appointments are open now between 10am and 3pm. Call Community Health at 541-553-2352 or visit to sign up.