Warm Springs Behavioral Health holds Parenting Classes every Wednesday at 11am. There is also an Adult Wellbriety meeting at 4:00 each Wednesday.
There is a senior lunch today at noon at the Senior Center dining area. On the menu – menudo with cabbage and avocados. Senior meals are free for all elders age 60 and older. Folks can join the seniors for lunch – it’s $1 for Youth, $5 for adults or you can assist with clean-up after the meal.
The Warm Springs K8 Girls Basketball teams have games at Obsidian Middle School in Redmond today at 3:30.
The Recovery on the Rez group meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 at the new Park Place Housing community building. Food and drinks are provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Lincoln’s Powwow in Simnasho is set for February 7-9. Grand entries will be Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 1pm and Sunday at 1:30. For vendor information contact Sandra Greene and for all other powwow info – Austin Greene or Margie Tuckta.
Free Covid-19 tests can be ordered online. Order free home tests from the USPS at https://special.usps.com/testkits. The USPS website also provides a link to the list of tests with extended expiration dates if you wish to check whether the expiration date of any kit you have at home has been extended. Additional information can be found at https://covidtests.gov/, including a phone number to help with ordering if needed. You can also call 1-800-232-0233
The Tribal Council is advertising Election and Counting Board vacancies. There are 3 position and on alternate for the Election Board and 4 vacancies plus one alternate on the Counting Board. Letters of Interest and Resumes of applicants interested on serving need to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO no later than February 10th.
Tribal Council Candidates are asked to contact KWSO to set up a time to come in to do a short interview for our Tribal Council Candidate programming. Just call 541-553-1968 or stop by the Media Center.
Warm Springs Community Action Team is now accepting tax appointments. Call 541-553-3148 to set one up.
Warm Springs Nation Little League registration is open through March 3rd. Registration is being done with paper forms. Player registration, medical release and school enrollment forms can be downloaded from the www.wsnll.org. They are also looking for volunteer coaches for the upcoming season. For more information, email info@wsnll.org, call 541-325-3856 or visit Warm Springs Nation Little League’s Facebook page.
The High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s VeggieRx program is back for its third year! VeggieRx is a free freshly picked produce program where enrolled participants can get 15 weeks of freshly grown and harvested produce by Around the Bend Farms. VeggieRx is a food access program created for people who are experiencing food insecurity, are 18 years or older, and have some type of diet-modifiable disease(s). If you or someone you know may qualify, please talk to your provider and have them send Kelly@hdffa.org a referral to get into the program. Enrollment will begin in April and VeggieRx will begin in June.