KWSO Calendar for Wed., Feb. 5, 2025

Warm Springs K-8 Academy 8th Grader Group #3 will visit Madras High School today. K8 Eagles Girls Basketball teams host Sisters today starting at 3:30

Tribal Council will be in session today. On the agenda this morning – On Reservation Fish & Wildlife Committee update; Culture & Heritage Committee; and Education Committee. This afternoon – Timber Committee; Land Use Planning Committee; and Off Reservation Fish & Wildlife Committee update.

5 There is a senior lunch today at noon at the Senior Center dining area. On the menu – beef stroganoff. Senior meals are free for all elders age 60 and older. Folks can join the seniors for lunch – it’s $1 for Youth, $5 for adults or you can assist with clean-up after the meal.

Warm Springs Behavioral Health holds Parenting Classes every Wednesday at 11am. There is also an Adult Wellbriety meeting at 4:00 each Wednesday.

There is an Agency Candidate Forum this evening at Agency Longhouse. A potluck dinner will start at 5:30pm.

The Recovery on the Rez group meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 at the new Park Place Housing community building. Food and drinks are provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Vital Stats department reports that Warm Springs Senior Citizen Pension Checks will be late this month.

Listen to KWSO tomorrow night for our live broadcast of White Buffalo Basketball. The boys are hosting Gladstone at 7.

PIRS by SriPonya puts on a Sports Agility Camp for youth, coached by John Charles. Camps are for youth in grades 5-8 and are every Sunday from noon to 1:30 at the Old Elementary gym. Walk-ins are welcome.

The Maternal Child Health or MCH program at the Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center encourages new pregnant moms or postpartum mothers to come in to learn more about services and support that is offered.  There are classes such as back to boards class, breastfeeding support groups, and prep for labor and delivery. At community health women can get pregnancy tests, birth control, child immunizations, and STD checks. If you are IHS eligible you can call 541-553-2352 or stop by the MCH Office in the Community Health side of the Clinic in Warm Springs.

The Madras VFW is planning a Veterans Dinner on Sunday, March 30th. This will be a fundraiser and include an auction.  Contributions are needed and welcome. To learn more and find out how you can help you can contact Leonard at 541-777-1453 or Jan at 541-815-1278.

Emergency Management Water Distribution is located at 1116 Wasco Street, the blue & white trailer next to the old school. It’s for water distribution to households for pickup Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm.