At Warm Springs ECE and the K-8 Academy it’s spirit week the first week of March celebrating Dr Seuss’ Birthday and Read Across America Week.
You can find the details in these newsletters
At ECE there is the return of the Family Food Pantry courtesy of NeighborImpact. They will be getting caught up on Health Screenings and follow ups in Head Start. The Early Head Start Program will return and hopefully be up and running within the month. They are now recruiting for 0-3 children.
The ECE newsletter includes information about child illnesses going around and how to tell the difference between the different respiratory illnesses. There is a good link to information about that from the KWSO Archives
Also at ECE – did you know that you can see what’s on the menu with the My School Menu App? Just search for Warm Springs Early Childhood Education when you download the app
At the Warm Springs K8 the March Character Trait is Respect. Being Respectful is treating someone with kindness and consideration, showing regard for their abilities and worth, and valuing their feelings and views.
March 3rd – it’s the Warm Springs K8 Winter Sports Banquet from 3-3:45 in the school gym. Spring Sports – Track and Field and Soccer for Middle School Students will start competing the week after Spring Break. You can check in the office to make sure your physical is current and that all your paperwork is complete for playing.
For the Warm Springs K8 – here is the month at a Glance
3/3 Late Start
3/3 Winter Sports Awards Banquet
3/3 ELPA Testing Begins for Students in ELD
3/3-3/7 Read Across America Week
3/7 3rd Grade to Jefferson County Library
3/7 Assemblies
3/10 Late Start
3/13 OBOB 6-8 Redmond Tournament
3/18-3/19 5th Grade Outdoor School at Camp Hancock
3/19 K-5 OMSI Festival of Science during Specials
3/19 6-8 Science Fair
3/19 Science Family Engagement Night 4-6 pm
3/20-21 8th Grade Forecasting in Social Studies Class
3/24 – 3/28 Spring Break