KWSO Calendar for Mon., Mar 17, 2025

  • Students who have attended the Student Summer Workshop are reminded that they need to turn in their job applications to the WEDD Office.
  • Today is Late Start Monday for all 509J students. School will start 90 minutes later than the normal start time.
  • Here is what is on the Tribal Council agenda today: This morning – Secretary-Treasurer Update; April Agenda/Travel Delegations/Review Minutes; and Draft Resolutions. This afternoon – Enrollments; I H S Update; Health & Human Services; and Managed Care Update.
  • Senior Fitness Class at the Senior Center is every Monday and Thursday morning at 10:45 with a lunch for participants after.
  • Mondays at the Warm Springs Behavioral Health Center, there is a Women’s Talking Circle at 11am and Adolescent A&D Education class at 4.
  • A Conscious Discipline Education Series of classes, open to the community, will be held the next three Mondays starting today, from noon to 1 in the I H S Atrium Conference Room. A light lunch for all participants will be provided. If you have any questions, call Charlene Moody at 541-553-2352.
  • Warm Springs WIC is scheduling appointments for Mondays and Thursdays this month from 12:30–4:30pm, with extra support from Jefferson County WIC. Free Pajamas, Recipe Books and bags of fruits or vegetables are available, first come, first serve on Mondays and Thursdays, scheduled in March during the 12:30 – 4:30 appointments.
  • Warm Springs community members are welcome to fill containers with free drinking water every Monday at the Hydro Panel Facility, located next to the old Vehicle Pool building in the Industrial Park. Stop by Mondays between 8am and 5pm.
  • PIRS and the Warm Springs Recreation Department invite everyone to join them for a St. Patrick’s Day party this afternoon from 3-5 at the Community Center. They’re serving for corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes and Irish shortbread cookies. Plus, they’ll have music, face painting and a treasure hunt.

A “Listen N Feedback” get-together with Tribal Council Agency Candidate, Marcia Soliz will be Tuesday, March 18th from 5:30pm-8:45pm at the old school cafeteria on campus.  

There’s a Joint Committee Community Update meeting tomorrow (3/18) at the Agency Longhouse. Dinner will be provided at 5:30 and committee updates will begin at 6.

There is an Agency District Tribal Council Candidate Forum this Wednesday (3/19) at the Agency Longhouse. A potluck meal is scheduled for 5:30 with the forum to follow. Tribal Council Election Day is March 26th.

Warm Springs Nation Little League has extended player and coaches registration deadlines to Friday, March 21st. Baseball tryouts will be held on Monday, March 31st at 6pm and Softball tryouts are on Tuesday, April 1st at 6pm.

The next Warm Springs Tribal Appreciation Day at Kah-nee-ta Hot Springs Resort is on Sunday, March 30th from 11am until 7pm. There will be free day use for all Tribal Members, spouses, residents of Warm Springs and tribal employees.

COCC Spring Term GED classes in Warm Springs begin March 31st. They will meet Monday and Wednesday noon to 3pm in the Computer Lab at the Culture & Heritage Building. Email to ask about an online option. Registration can be done the first week of classes. Scholarships are available.

The High Desert Food and Farm Alliance’s VeggieRx program is back for its third year! VeggieRx is a free freshly picked produce program where enrolled participants can get 15 weeks of freshly grown and harvested produce by Around the Bend Farms.   VeggieRx is a food access program created for people who are experiencing food insecurity, are 18 years or older, and have some type of diet-modifiable disease(s). If you or someone you know may qualify, please talk to your provider and have them send a referral to get into the program. Enrollment will begin in April and VeggieRx will begin in June.

The 2025 Say Their Name Relay & Marathon is on May 10th. The event honors all of our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. The course is about 26 miles, 9 legs and 8 exchange points starting at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds and ending at the Simnasho Longhouse. Registration ends April 15th. Say Their Name Relay & Marathon Registration