Agency Water System tap water is safe to drink

The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Branch of Public Utilities reports that agency water system tap water is routinely tested and is safe to drink.

Water users have likely noticed a swampy smell to the water which is the result of algae blooms upstream from the water treatment plant. There are many different types of algae. Some are harmful and some are not. Algae blooms occur naturally, usually in the summer months were there is more direct sunlight which means longer days for growth. The increase in temperature contributes as well. Plus algae blooms are more predominant when there is water activities like boating, skiing and tubing, plus swimming in the upstream areas of the Deschutes River.

To eliminate the odor and taste issues associated with the algae bloom – Warm springs utilities has been adding powder activated carbon to the water treatment process since June 21. The addition of this powder however takes several weeks to work its way through the 15+ miles of water distribution mains and reservoirs.

Warm Springs utilities reports the water is safe to drink and meets the EPA requirements for drinking water. Elimination of the odor will take several weeks to work through the system. And the agency water system is the only one affected by the algae bloom.

Work being done on the existing water treatment plant as well as plans for the new plant will address these issues in the future