Pi-Ume-Sha Horse Parade Committee sends Thank You

We would like to take this opportunity to THANK the SPONSORS who helped our family to have a great come back with the Pi~Ume~Sha Traditional Horse Parade during this year’s 2023 Pi~Ume~Sha celebration: Indian Head Casino, Caroline Cruz & Warm Springs Confederated Tribes, Sue Matters/KWSO, Mona Cochran, Harry Hisatake and all the people who purchased from our Fundraising at the Tribal Holiday Bazaars.  Thank you all for the encouragement, funds, fuel, horses, and the good feelings of being back with you all.  Our family can’t wait to see what we will be doing to make our parade bigger and better as we try to do each year.  Again, thank you to everyone who stepped up and helped sponsor the 2023 Traditional Horse Parade.


And Special Thanks to ALL THE PARTICIPANTS who was in the Horse parade/traditional parade as you made the best and biggest come back from when we were not able to have a parade because of the pandemic.  We are truly THANKFUL for all of you who took the time to come and participate (all of you from the beginning to the end of the parade line).  It is a lot of work to get ready but in the end, you make our spectators happy to see our Traditional Parade is back with the Pi~Ume~Sha Celebration.


Also, welcome back to our SPECTATORS who always line the parade route it was such a beautiful sight to see all the people that brought good feelings to the celebration.  We hope you all enjoyed the highlights and beauty of the parade.


I am humbly proud that my siblings & their family member stepped up as it was like starting all over but in our hearts, we knew our parents was still guiding us through this process of preparing and making sure the parade was done with good hearts and wonderful feelings.  Thank you, Roscoe Greene, Sarah Gonsalez family, Brutis Baez, Veronica Baez & her Baez Boys, Jamey, Allie, Gary and Joseph “Irkie” Smith & family, PaulLee Greene family, Ramon Greene family.  Not only helped in coordinating this parade but helped with the other funding, gifts, cupcakes and otter pops that went so far to the participants and spectators.


Much Respect,

Ramona Baez, Parade Coordinator