Youth Basketball Opportunities

It’s youth basketball season in Central Oregon and local young people are able to sign up now for a few different leagues. The Cascade Youth Basketball League, formerly known as “COBO,” is taking signups for kids in 5th through 8th grades. More information is available on the “Madras Youth Basketball” Facebook page or by calling Tony Holliday at 541-460-0675.

The Warm Springs Community Wellness Center is taking sign-ups for Buffalo Sky Walkers youth basketball which is for youth in kindergarten through 8th grade. They will start fundamentals practices soon.

The MAC Recreation District’s registration for youth basketball is open until noon on December 8th, or when the league is full. It’s for Pre-K (at least 4 years of age) up to 6th grade youth. You can enroll online at the MAC Rec District website or at the Madras Aquatic Center in Madras.