KWSO Community Calendar for Wed., Oct. 27, 2021

Everyone is encouraged to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face mask in public spaces and maintaining 6 feet distance of others.  Everyone is also encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccination.  Vaccinations are the primary way to bring the COVID-19 Pandemic under control.

A boil water notice was issued yesterday and will remain in effect until notification is given that it is lifted, for water users North of Shitike creek, including Miller Heights, the Campus Area and Mecca Road.  Water users in those areas  need to bring tap water to a rolling boil, boil for 3 minutes, and cool before using. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, washing dishes, brushing teeth, and preparing food until further notice.

Senior Lunch is today for delivery or pick up at the Greeley Heights Community Building.  On their menu is: Lukamean with Baked Potatoes, Broccoli and Fruit.

All are welcome to participate in a virtual conversation about the future of aging in Madras and Jefferson County.  The meeting is tomorrow from 6-8pm.  You can register by calling 503-408-4752.  Or if you want to sign up via email or online – check out KWSO dot ORG.  ( (

The Jefferson County School District 509J has a public meeting today at 5:30 at the Warm Springs K8.  The meeting is to gather community input on current 509J programs and plans for future educational programs.  There is another meeting tomorrow at 5:30 at Madras High School.

Warm Springs is hosting the annual November Fitness Challenge and registration is open through November 5th.  There will be 5 person teams.  The kick off event is a Poker Walk on Monday.  Learn more online at KWSO dot org.

Warm Springs Housing is recruiting wood cutters to cut and deliver wood to eligible clients.  To learn more you can stop by Housing.  We have more information posted on our website

Warm Springs ECE is requesting participation and donations from the community for the Annual Lil’ Pumpkins Parade this Friday at 10am in the A Pod Parking Lot.  They are seeking donations of pre-packaged healthy snacks (no peanuts products), non-food treats, decorations, gently used costumes for young children and volunteers to help hand out items.  Please sign up by contacting Tiana Northrup at 541-553-3241.

The Warm Springs Trick or Treat “Maskerade” Parade will be Saturday  from 1-4pm at the Warm Springs K thru 8 Academy Track.  Families can stop at booths set up around the track for treats.  Wear a mask – not just a Halloween Mask and maintain social distance.

Warm Springs Fire Management will host their free Haunted Warehouse this Saturday and Sunday from 6-9pm at the Fire Dispatch Building.  Facemasks and Social Distancing are required for this annual Warm Springs Scare!

The Warm Springs Community Action Team is seeking organizations or individuals to set up on Halloween at the revamped basketball court grand opening to help give out treats.  Contact Mallory at the Community Action Team to sign up.  The event starts at noon on Sunday and everyone is welcome.   There will be free food, music, a basketball shootout and treats for Halloween.

Election Day is next Tuesday November 2nd.   Locally there are two bond measures on the ballot for Jefferson County Voters:   a 509J Bond measure and a Jefferson County Five Year Jail Operations Levy.    Ballots need to be in an official ballot drop box by 8pm Tuesday.   Drop Boxes are located in Warm Springs on campus across the street from the post office and also at Three Warriors Market in Simnasho.

Fences for FIDO and the Fido Pet Food Bank provides Warm Springs families in need of supplemental assistance with a Monthly Pet Food service.  You must sign up in advance for distribution on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  Text 503-869-0422 or email Pet Food Bank at Fences for Fido dot ORG.